GameOfSlaves's Replies

One day; someone you care about will be randomly killed too, then say something. Yes, out of over 141 countries, only ten have more mass shootings then the USA. Oh how proud you must be!!! (Stupid American). Amazon supports Trump. All Trump posts were bad. So it was canned. IMDB is almost dead anyway. I don't know. She was boring. Americans didn't invent any of that. LOL Ya. Sexual assault or sexual assault plus attempted murder. It wasn't the US as in the government had a hand. All they did was model it after the German war criminal inventor of the ballistic missile who was the real person behind the moon landing success no matter how many times the US rewrites history, as victors of war do. Lol, the state commission! Oh I should look that up I didn't even know that was an ultimate Thor Never heard of that character. Thanks though. So I guess they'll give him another hammer because fans are mad about what happened to his? You mean a cow shot him? Get it, grazing? Like cows grazing in grass. I think I just won worst joke of the year? Ya, that was funny! Do I have to get a PHD to watch a TV episode of something? I want to be entertained. I don't want a second job. However I'm willing to also acknowledge there may exist comic book sourced background information in these types of shows. But I still prefer to not work for my fun. Then the awards mean nothing when you get the award for being born Latino instead of because of the movie's merits. Was she always a lie or only after he got rid of her? I thought it was because the one producer won this year's Producer's Guild Award given by the elite producer circle, plus, they want Toro to win to give the awards some Latino diversity. You are way off.... Oh. Black history month. That makes sense. School break maybe? Less competition too. Only guessing. While hypocrisy in racism and a marketing team influencing casting to hopefully maximize profits are two different things, one happens because of the other. It's a circle that won't ever break until we stop seeing colour. Until we stop making decisions based on colour.