MovieChat Forums > Quint > Replies

Quint's Replies

Absolutely. This movie wanted far more then it could be done with its small budget. And a few steps of this way were even realized. For example how the monster reacted to humans. And that it found its end by being treated like a human! Thats bs. Anyone around the world is doing it. Indian people acting like they are caucasians and chinese people too. So get a life a get used to the fact! Just double that figures and it will at least break even :) . Which is completely impossible with the crashing figures week to week. Take a look at Sound OF Freedom, Avatar 2 or MI7. They make a lot of money. Avatar 2 even appr. 2 billion. So forget this narrative. The audience simply starts to ignore woke Hollywood. With a movie labeled "Indiana Jones" losing money for the first time, the franchise is dead for decades. There will be no Disney+ spinoffs. Whats this Crystal Skull thing? There is only Raiders Of The Lost Ark, Temple Of Doom and Last Crusade. Is this Crystal Skull one of the Young Indiana Jones eps? Some id**ts thinking that the bad guys are prime examples for the people of one nation! As mentioned ... they are id**ts! Sorry to tell .... but there are only 3 Indiana Jones movies. Thats canon and nothing else. The rest is greedy studios doing dumb and woke trash with a familiar label. And the ranking is clearly: Raiders Of The Lost Ark (a dark Indy done the right way) Indiana Jones And The Temple Of Doom (one of the most amazing roller coaster rides ever!) Last Crusade (Amazing movie, but the other 2 were better) For boring and soft guys this movie was clearly the wrong choice. For men this was the perfect movie. The thing you dont understand as a weakling is epic pathos. Thats how people acting as idols for men. Indeed thats not reality. But its the most stupid argument against a movie (!!!) that its not realistic. Thats why its art and not another documentation!! Learn the difference. Just watched the Directors Cut. And the ending was simply dumb. I presume it was necessary so that killers wont get away alive. Cause indeed they murdered innocent civilians on that ships. And even let them drown when they could at least leave them a live boat there. And at its core it was a successful mission for the Third Reich. The submarine crew sank a few allied ships and got away with it. And that couldnt be shown in post war Germany (the refurbishment of the war crimes were still going on in the 80s in Germany). But .... for an anti war movie the ending failed. Cause at the home harbor they already arrived as "living deads". They all lost their direction in live and looked like corpses. Thats the perfect solution for a anti war movie ("War either kills you or at least your soul"). But instead killing them at the end just stated "Yep, people are killed during wars. What a bomb shell!". By FAR the best Bond movie ever. And I indeed prefer Roger Moore as James Bond (the only actor playing Bond for sane humans :) ). And indeed Lazenby wasnt the reason why this was the best Bond movie ever (with absolutely no competition at all). Instead he was a good Bond actor (but not even close to Moore or Brosnan). But thats also the reason why this was such a huge Bond movie. Bond wasnt the only focus of this movie. Telly Savalas was an great Bond villain. But Diana Rigg was simply awesome. She simply carried that movie to a complete different level and why this became a believable touching story. Combined with one of the best scripts and soundtrack of all Bond movies this almost was a piece of art. And no .... Casino Royale isnt a comparison at all. Craig isnt Bond. He simply is too dumb and cant act at all. But also the female lead character wasnt a huge actress after all. Combined with one of the most boring scripts ever it became simply a waste of time and money. Its such a wasted opportunity that Lazenby didnt played Bond again in DAD. It would have been awesome watching Bond hunting the killer of his only real love. Instead we got a horrible script and Connery being there only cause he needed money for the scotland movement. Lazenby should have played Bond in DAF for sure. Connery simply destroyed that movie (he and that horrible script wirters). With Lazenby it would have been as deep a story as OHMSS. That would have been a real Bond movie compared with this pseudo deep Bourne movies with Craig. Lazenby as a 60s actor also would have fitted in the 60s themed LALD and TMWTGG. Thos movies are as misplaced in ther 60s as possible. Yes, LALD rides on the Shaft wave and TMWTGG on the Bruce Lee wave (and got the solar power theme). But at their core both were 60s movies at its worst. A modern actor like Moore couldnt save the,. But perhaps a 60s actor like Lazenby would have fitted in thos movies. But starting with TSWLM noone else then the iconic Roger Moore could have played Bond. The 70s and 80s were the peak of Bond movies and human society. Everything was modern, innovative and ironic. Old actors like Dalton or Connery wouldnt have have fit in such movies at all. Thats why Roger Moore saved the Bond franchise. He stopped portraying Bond as a serial killer (paid by the government) and made him into a hero (everything else is just watching a drunken assasin killing people slowly. And thats something only lunatics prefer). On top of that he mixed the correct amount of irony so that this movies became excitement again (they already were excitement once with movies like Goldfinger or YOLT). There are also so called Bond fans which dont get that the Bond of Fleming is nothing else then a relict of the Cold war. Of a drunken writer whom was rooted in the 50s (and nowhere else). Everyone dreaming about a character as useless as this Bond should thinking about getting a therapy. Cause no sane human likes such a character. DAF would have been such an amazing revenge movie with Lazenby still playing Bond. Instead we got an aging Connery with absolutely no believable motivation. Yes, its the same Bond, but Connery isnt the same actor. They tried some sort of revenge story with DAF, but that didnt worked at all. LALD (Shaft-based) and TMWTGG (Bruce Lee-based) would have been also better with a real action actor like Lazenby. Beside that thos 2 movies are 60s-themed (who gave a sh** about a assasin gun duel in a mid 70s movie?). But starting with TSWLM Lazenby would have been a relict of the 60s, not fitting into the charming and ironic 70s and 80s. Noone else then Moore could play Bond from TSWLM until AVTAK. OMG, its a joke, cause the audience had to deal with a different actor playing Bond. No there is no canon telling that Bond istn one person. Learn to live with simple facts. OHMSS was by far (!!!) the best Bond movie ever. The wannabe serious movies Craig made were never Bond movies at all. They were as dumb as possible Bourne clones (the most obvious copycat since the karate scenes in Mand With The Golden Gun during the Bruce Lee wave). Therefor Lazenby is indeed lightyears ahead of the dumb character Craig "played". Cause its funny and its brighten your day. So if your life is full of hate and depression .... then this movie isnt made for you. Get a brain, fascist. You are so incredible dumb and full of hate. You dont even realize it. You are nothing else then part of the problem of our society. And all you have is flame war against a center user. So .... get a life too. Race doesnt matter. Hate and idiocy matters. Therefor you are the problem. Not cause of your pointless skin color. - No, a cliche isnt racist. Its just a common code that all people understand. Noone beside you thinks for a second that all indians are eating monkey brain all day for real! - Millions of people outside India watching Bollywood movies. They are full of cliches and therefor easy fun to watch and enjoy. Its one of the fastest growing movie industries out there. And no, noone from Switzerland even gives a sh*t about this cliches they are using in there movies. Cause ..... its a cliche, not reality! Learn to differ thos two things. Cause they have nothing in common at all. Its not only that. Zizek compared this behaviour with the stalinists in the USSR. Every regime opponent was shown as mentally instable. Therefor opposition against the tyrrany meant, in this misanthropic view of the world, that you had a problem with your mental wellness and therefor you had to be cured. Stalinists and fascists arent that far positioned from one another. Canadian government is a bunch of hatefilled fascists. They hate their people and they hate therefor democracy. Time for the people to fight against this tyrrany.