MovieChat Forums > Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny (2023) Discussion > Red Letter Media just recommended to not...

Red Letter Media just recommended to not see this in the theater.

I saw it Saturday and have to agree.


RLM bores me these days.


Why? I still like them.


They seem to have lost their edge a bit, and I don't find myself laughing at their videos like I used to. Plinkett reviews were the best (now nonexistent), but something like Nerd Crew was hilarious and genius. Or Scientist Man.

They don't really do much like that anymore. Barely any weird shorts or anything, just these kind of stale Half in the Bags (which rarely have storylines now) and re:Views... which are okay, but my motivation to watch them has gotten lower and lower. And I've never really liked Best of the Worst.

Also, when I noticed that they remove critical comments, my respect for them went down a few pegs. That wouldn't stop me watching their vids obviously, just a side note.


Scientist Man was awesome, I wish he would come back.


They remove critical comments? Not a fan of that.


Yeah, unfortunately. I first noticed it when I was using my main account - one that had been subbed since like the first week of the TPM review, and I had actually traded PMs with Mike in like 2009 when YT still had that functionality. Years later I noticed my comments weren't showing up, and it turned out I was blocked. Confused, I checked my history and there was like one potential comment where I said something about the editing of a certain video, and that was it.

Out of curiosity I made some other comments from another account, and those were also removed/account blocked. This was a few years ago but it was kind of a fuck-you as a long time fan. Massively hypocritical on their part as well - that they make their living on being critics, but can't handle even mild criticism leveled toward them.

But anyway, like I said this is neither here nor there... sad behavior but didn't affect my overall enjoyment of their videos.


I don't think it's massively hypocritical. Yes, they criticize movies, but it's not like their criticisms are then added to the films' credits.


You're comparing a film's credits to a comment section meant for discussion? Sorry but that doesn't make any sense.

If you make your living from being a critic of other people's work, you should be able to handle the slightest bit of criticism of your own work. Otherwise you probably are a bit of an insecure coward, and a hypocrite.

If they don't want discussion or people's opinions, have the backbone to disable comments entirely. But no, they want comments... as long as they're positive, which just circles back to the original point. And by positive I mean to them specifically - if you're bashing other people and their work, all is well.


I noticed they started losing their edge when they were soft in their review for Force Awakens. After ripping the prequels new ass-holes, they were surprisingly lax with Episode 7, even though nearly every criticism they had with the prequels applied to Force Awakens as well. It was because of their underwhelming review of Force Awakens that I stumbled upon E;R, who gave a much more satisfying review that reminded me of the Plinkett days, and I've watched E;R ever since.

I still watch some Half in the Bag vids, and I still get some enjoyment out of RLM, but I agree that they're not what they used to be.


I can mostly give them a pass for their initial Half in the Bag on Force Awakens, because a lot of us got sucked into the hype for it. But the hype faded quickly - it's one of those movies that gets substantially worse on every rewatch, and the multitude of issues become very apparent.

What's kind of annoying is that they still defend it, and stubbornly refused to course correct. The "Star Wars Awakens" Plinkett might be the worst one they've put out. You're totally right that the E;R vid on it was so much better, but Mike did a solid job on The Last Jedi Plinkett and it was a good return to form imo.


They are not as good as they were back then, but I am a fan of theirs. Their competition simply cannot keep up with them. So many YouTubers that post cinema related content there are either boring or too boring to not become pretentious (in a pathetic way, I mean). The fact that RLM is free for everyone is fantastic, and long may they continue.




Yep, I used to watch every episodes they make, but in recent 2 years, they are boring, meanless, and LONG.


Same, I now skip more videos than I watch.


Never really liked them. The "humor" is insufferable and beaten to death like an old horse for a long time now and they still do it. Their "characters" are just trollish/annoying and the amount of absolute low level fart jokes don't help either.
When they actually seriously talk movies, I enjoyed it... but since the rest dominates, I just unsubscribed ages ago.


It was a strange one for these guys. They really didn't give a crap. I've never seen them so lazily tackle one of these reviews. Sounded like the movie was so bland there wasn't even much to critique. The recurring Spielberg joke was pretty good.


I'd love a Plinkett review for this.


Doubt they'll make one for this. They even skipped The Rise of Skywalker, and the one for The Last Jedi already felt flat. Nothing much left to say about the Disney/Lucasfilm slop.


They definitely got the mood right. Indy 5 opens, after a week everybody goes on to a much better summer movie.


You can tell ahead of time that they aren’t big fans of a movie whenever they just do the review in the room with the black background.


i saw it this weekend on Saturday. i liked it. John Rys Davies as Sallah was nice but he's pretty old now where he could barely walk across the street in the movie.

Cant wait for Cinemassacre to do a movie review for Dial of Destiny and then wait awhile for Cinemasins to start nitpicking at the stuff that goes on in the movie

also Shady Jay of Game Chasers usually does reviews for movies he saw at the theater

also Tony of Hack the Movies


Other than out of respect for Ford, I don't think there's much reason to see it in a theater.

If anyone's interested, I reviewed the movie my youtube channel. Appreciate any feedback. Trying to improve -


Is red letter media the YouTube channel that has a fat guy in a Fucking costume with his fat head covered up, and pretty much bad mouths every fucking franchise film or tv show that comes out???? Is it that Red Letter Media???
If so I don't fucking care what that fatass says... 😂


The guy whose schtick is talking as if he's drunk? Or is he actually drunk?


Yeah ...Sound like he has a drunk speech impediment in addition to being a fatass .. 😂...


They aren’t generally in costume with their heads covered. They did a few videos during COVID where they joked about it and would wear masks and such.


I don't recall any of them being fat and in costumes, you might be thinking of a different channel?


They didn’t even bother reviewing The Flash.


I wouldn't watch it, even if someone paid me a million bucks!


Unless you like seeing Indy as a depressed, broken old man, that's a good call.


I want to sit down with my family for the next 2 nights and watch "Raiders" the first night, and "Crusade" the next night. If anyone specifically requests "Crystal Skull" I might consider watching that on the third night.


Whats this Crystal Skull thing? There is only Raiders Of The Lost Ark, Temple Of Doom and Last Crusade. Is this Crystal Skull one of the Young Indiana Jones eps?


Oh good. You never saw it. It's not the worst "Indiana Jones" film, but honestly, it doesn't quite work, and the only scene worth watching is when he marries Marion at the end and forms a new little family with her and his long-lost son, Mutt.


I decided to never watch it. Just like I never watched the last Rambo movie. Sometimes you gotta know when to walk away. Keep your happy memories in check.


I know what you mean. It's why I have chosen never to watch a number of films and tv shows that came out recently, most notably on Disney+ or just from Disney in general. It makes me sad how such an institution whose material I've loved for years has fallen so far down the hole.


That’s how I felt about Star Trek 2009.
