I'm very interested in the spinoffs, but yeah, he should finish the ASOIAF novels. It really happens! [url][/url] Yes, I do! He could go off into the forest like Morgan. HBO released the title of the prequel. It is to be called "The Long Night", and focuses on the first appearance of the white walkers in Westeros. I guess they won't be dealing with dragons or Old Valyria at all. Maybe he won't actually die! Sounds good to me. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Lay off the muffins! It's not too bad. I usually only eat cooked sushi varieties like shrimp tempura and California rolls. It is in my community. There were some events today as well. The 31st falls on a Wednesday this year. Who does anything on a Wednesday? Handing out candy for Trick-or-Treaters. It's supposed to rain tomorrow. Poor kids. Zestfully clean. If he doesn't finish them, another author will take over. GRRM has told a few people all the important details, and how the story will end. I've looked into it. You don't say "rest in peace" to murderers. It isn't really movie material. Just your average annoying, inconsiderate roommate. Roommate broke the garbage disposal this week because he always puts bones down the sink. Roommate was listening to music until 3 AM one night until I banged on the door. Plays video games or watches movies all hours of the night when my bedroom is right next door. He really should buy some headphones. Roommate's bedroom is smelly because he never cleans, and it looks hoarded. He never cleans anything at all really. Two hall closets are all hoarded as well, but I'm going to clean them and start pitching shit. Roommate sucks at doing dishes, and there are always bits of food on the dishes, pots and pans he washes. Roommate was taking over the kitchen table as his desk, bedroom, and office, but he stopped (mostly). Last fall he used to keep his books, homework, and laptop on the kitchen table at all times, and sit there listening to music when I had the TV on. The living room is the only place I can watch TV. I guess he can't go in his room to do homework while listening to music, even though he has his own TV and a desk in there. For some reason he wants to take over the common areas. He was leaving his shoes all over the dining room as well. This week I finally put them all in a box and put them in his room so I could clean. He still keeps his bathroom towel on the chair and beard trimmer on the table, but hopefully he will put that stuff in his room as well. It's also not his table, but he gave no one else any room to use it. There was a lot of furniture and junk surrounding the table, only one chair could be pulled out to sit at the table. I rearranged and cleaned everything and reduced the clutter, and it is so much nicer now. A lot of my kitchen stuff seems to get broken or go missing as well. Yes. If you half enjoyed the others, then you'll half enjoy this one as well. I laughed my ass off, and I think it is worth renting if you're looking for a fun movie. It has its moments, and the story was perfect for families to enjoy on father's day weekend when it was new in theaters. I didn't find it hard to follow either. There are good guys and bad guys and it's pretty straightforward. Out of all five films, Dead Men Tell No Tales is the shortest movie in the franchise. Was the scene shot with a CGI Ghost and everything? That's a pity it was cut then. If they paid for the CGI then they should have left it in! People were still deeply religious and not well educated at that time. The Salem witchcraft trials had taken place only a half century earlier. Superstition does not go away so easily. A Tennessee man was prosecuted for witchcraft as late as 1833. In 1878, a woman sued a man claiming that he had caused her bodily harm using witchcraft, called the Salem witchcraft trial (1878), but the case was dismissed. Leondardo Dicaprio His agent wanted him to use the name "Lenny D."