Mikester's Replies

This episode was so fucked up, see here: https://moviechat.org/tt2085059/Black-Mirror/5abc1882306ccd0014c35cbd/Episode-41-totally-ridiculous-Why-did-Nanette-not-just/ Yes, the alternate universes also make no logical sense at all in star trek. It was random and not satisfying at all Watching it i was thinking 'they had to kill him off because the actor can't continou making the show' Funny how that really is the reason 100% agree. I watch this now with love-hate relationship to get satisfaction that she will finally tell him at some point in time. I loved it. Setting the new season after 'munchers takeover' brought a new fresh wind into the whole thing and i very much enjoyed it. Guess my most favorite season. Yea, season is great Agree! And also think show is great! Unlikely. Cause people keep making better and better shows. And produce more and more content. But Game of Thrones has a better chance than series from 1987 has being watched today. I liked the whole season 7, only the final episode it 'felt' different too me. Just not matching the tone just a little bit less then the rest of the series did. It felt a bit 'less real' too me. Too much characters meet (sounds like a fan-idea -> 'Wouldn't it be cool if aaaaaall cool characters meet in one place') Theon - Jon Snow with music was a bit too much for me The joke Tally 'did you see it' to 3 eyed raven and he holds the raven-letter in hand i also didn't like The twist with Aegon i found cool - i guess the author told them that fact Still all in all great.