JoeCinema's Replies

"I'll check Maester Luwin's records. He kept a copy of every raven's scroll". "Why any of them are loyal to the throne makes no sense from an economic, political, and aristocracy standpoint and without a driving factor like a Roman Church" They're not loyal anymore. "It was the Dragons we bowed to... The Dragons are dead.... King in the Norfff!!!" "1: primary characters introduced 2: a few primary characters killed off to create shock" That's because you assumed the characters introduced and killed were primary. Pankoeken language is presidential, ie like Trump or Duterte. You got a good look at Carice van Houten. What else could you ask for? If it's the same bath scene I think of, some say that Stannis' wife sees Melisandre as an old woman. When she does turn old, the camera carefully shows some vials on the table. My guess is she did or didn't take some potion. After the credits of the last episode, we see a shot of the throne room with a cat walking up to it. I think Euron (water), Cercei (lion) and Dany (nissa) die, Jon defeats the others with Drogon (red sword), and Bran patches the wall using wights. Jon stays north of the wall with reanimated Dany and they live ever happily after. The prince that was promised now rules the real north. Something like that. He said plainly that he wants "everything there is" and did every move to be on the Iron Throne with Sansa at his side. He couldn't have been more clear. He just wants someone to get that shard of dragon glass out of his chest. He was made to kill humans and continue to do so.