JoeCinema's Replies

See what I meant by not interested in learning? You dismissed my argument because cycles will continue. Then you go on on irrelevant generalities. There's no debate on climate change. It's only fuelled by those who stand to lose. Read or watch "Merchants of doubt". Extremism will come whether we want it or not. It's man-made because we're pumping greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. We're the trigger, so to speak. Yes, there will be more non-man-made. The Earth has plenty of life left to do its thing without us. There's no discussion to have. It's tons of information that you can find easily. There are many lectures on youtube from scientists who work on this. I've done this before, trying to educate someone, and all I ever got were "gotcha" questions. People like you ask questions until I can't find an answer and then go "gotcha! You can't answer this about a detail, so it's ALL bullshit." They're not interested in learning. That's the difference between skeptics and deniers. Skeptics listen to the answers, deniers do not. And if you think it's political, the science isn't. What is political is what we should do about it and libtards are sitting at the table while conservaturds cover their ears going "la la la". BTW, the latest BS from denier guru Tony Heller is that Greenland is gaining ice. He quotes a paper but not the part where they say it's only about the surface. When you take glacier calving, Greenland is losing ice year after year. See? You don't want to learn. Look up Milankovitch cycles. No I won't because you'll keep asking inane questions. I told you to Google it. Answers to your questions are VERY easy to find. You just prefer to stay ignorant and think you found a hole in the science. "If we are to blame, what caused it before?" Google it or stay clueless but please, don't argue out of ignorance. "Someday, trump won't be in office. And someone with sense will address the climate crisis." That's cute. "konnichiwa!" His friend got shot and died in prison. I thought she came down from above, from the tree or a structure, like she did when chased by the T1000. She was there before the WW showed up. The only problem I have is her screaming. That's a TV/film thing that annoys me to no end, similar to predators standing still and screaming in front of their would-be victim before chasing them. I think he was jealous of Dario but he was still in control at that point. He did convince Dany to leave him behind after all. But it's not working anymore because some of his plans went south. He wasn't as good as many think and he's had plot armor since the beginning. The blackwater wildfire was a mess. But the sad cuck face is because he sees his power slipping away. It's the same as in the scene with Varys. They'll have some sort of democracy. Dany installed one in Meereen and Tyrion mentioned it a couple of times. He's losing his grip on power. "Thousand" in GOT isn't a literal thousand. It means "a lot". It's used several times in both show and books, like a thousand times. Theon and Yara took their best ships, not all of them. Time jump within episodes is nothing new. Euron in the books isn't any better. He's a typical pirate, complete with the eye patch. The dragons they speak of is House Targaryen, not the actual flying beasts, so they didn't wait very long. "I will not let a single penny that I have go to these people if I can help it." Just watch them on some streaming site then. You're missing some good flicks. No kidding! She sure knew how to handle guns. It was his dentist, Jim Spalding. Chuck wanted to hook him up with Wilson. I guess Wilson was gay. I'd like to see a sitcom set at the Inn of the Crossroad.