JoeCinema's Replies

What about cows? Remember the mad cow scare? "<i>As of now, corona has claimed around 62.000 lives"</i> ... doubling every few days. Over 30 000 by next week. One thing that gets on my nerve is the constant "loud whispering", like a soap opera trying to be dramatic. I think the question of freewill is moot point because whatever we do, we do. (which always reminds me of Buckaroo Banzaï's "wherever you go, there you are"). Regarding your last paragraph. My post was reductive for brevity. It's obviously not that simple. Children don't grow up with only their parents around and the level of parental care is more of a sliding scale than an on/off switch. To stay with the computer analogy, broken code can still work. Genetic code, chemistry. My point is that we don't have control. He're a truth: Your mother doesn't really love you. She's programmed to. It's a trick to make her take care of her programming code: you. Parents who aren't "fooled" don't take care of their kids and the code dies. That's the reason more people "love" their kids than not. We are programmed for a lot of things like that, just not by Colonel Sanders in a TV control room. It's not so bad if you binge it without looking at crack pot theories for months in between seasons. She was always like that. Her first idea was always to burn burn burn. It's her advisors who kept her in check and she didn't have any left so she burned burned burned. Why didn't Gandalf ask the eagles to carry the ring. Yes, it's a "only" a theory: an explanation of an aspect of the natural world that can be repeatedly tested and verified in accordance with the scientific method. Why are still hung up on AOC instead of looking at the actual report? This is why people laugh at conservatives when it comes to science. You keep bringing up Al Gore, AOC, quotes from conversation, instead of the actual science. I knew someone would come up with the quote. You realize people often speak in general terms, right? You're bent up on the quote. A smarter person would ask why and where she got this, because that what's relevant. Only deniers talk about natural global warming to set up a strawman argument. Consensus determined by evidence. AOC never said the world would end in 12 years. She said we have 12 years to keep temperatures below 1.5C, and she got that from the IPCC. Stop arguing from ignorance. They did at Greyworm, just not out loud. They said something like "he doesn't know there's no Night's Watch anymore" with a smile. That's the reason and they say it in plain words in the show. They laugh at Greyworm for it. "How are you?"