Sandman81's Replies

Sequels that I think are underrated, but not necessarily better than the original. Die Hard 2 & 3 Scream 2 Halloween 2 and 4 (Not the Rob Zombie ones) Rocky Balboa X-Men 2 The Matrix Reloaded: Like most people, I was disappointed with this when I first saw it in theaters. Rewatched it on cable a while ago, and actually found myself enjoying it. It was victim of the anticipation and over-hype caused by the first movie. Major League 2 The Hangover 2: Yes it did have basically the same plot and followed the same beats as the first movie, but on its own merit is actually a pretty funny movie. The Joker was more evil. The Predator at least had a code of honor, and wouldn't kill unarmed people or a pregnant woman. The Joker didn't really care. He would kill anyone and everyone if for no other reason than to create chaos. It's not clear why the Godfather didn't think highly of Carlo. Maybe he didn't like the fact that he already needed his father in-laws help to make a living and wasn't able to do it on his own. I think he still goes through with it. Based on what we see it Part 3, it seemed like killing Fredo was rock bottom for Michael, and it was this act that made him realize how evil he had become and he started to try to be a decent person. If their mother hadn't died so soon, I think he continues to be the soulless evil Don who continued to isolate himself from anyone who ever loved him, and perhaps when the day finally came, he would still realize the awfulness of it, however it would be to late for him to change anything about his life. In the Godfather Saga just before The Godfather, Tom and Sonny talked about Sollozzo, there's an extra scene where Connie and Carlo are already fighting, despite being married less than a week. Sonny is concerned about that and wonders if he should "talk" to Carlo about it. The Don waves him off and basically tells him to mind his own business. Likewise when Carlo tells Connie to shut up and the table, Sonny yells about him, but Mama tells him to stay out of it. Not saying being a wife beater was the reason they refused to give Carlo anything good, but they definitely weren't as bothered by it as they should have been. It's no clear what it was about Carlo that the Don didn't like, but he didn't think that highly of him before he started beating his wife. His reasons for betraying the family were pretty simple and actually made sense. The Don, Tom Hagen and the other capos never had any respect for him. And the only person who ever seemed to like him, Sonny, just viciously beat him in the middle of his neighborhood in front of all his guys. It was still unknown if Michael would ever be able to return, so taking out Sonny could have crippled the Corleones and made it possible for him to work for Brazini, doing something much better. Other possibilities: Butchie got word about Carlo and feared that Tony would flip to save himself, which as we learned from the FBI in season 1 would mean Tony would have to give evidence about New York and destroy what was left of their family. One rogue solider who was fiercely loyal to Phil sought revenge. A soldier that Phil gave the task of killing Tony, and no one else knew he had that order, was not in communication with anyone else in New York, and thought the war was still going. He's at a secret casino in the penthouse of a hotel. You can hear a dealer calling roulette in the background. Jules even jokingly calls Big Kahuna burger "The breakfast of champions!". Bunch of 20 year old guys living in a crappy apartment wouldn't be that much of a stretch to be eating fast food burgers at 7:30 in the morning. He remembered what Captain Koons had told him "When two men are in a situation together like for a long time, you take on certain responsibilities for each other. " I guess the way he saw it was that him and Marcellus were prisoners together, and he owed to him to not leave him behind. So Presidents don't order air strikes? And they never send in Navy Seals to take out an enemy? Or have control of our Nuclear weapons? And I wonder who Kay thinks gave the approval for D-Day, which not only killed thousands of our enemies men, but thousands of our own? 1) He had a newborn child at home and this was the first time since the birth that he was faced with what would happen to his kid if he got killed in action. It scared him to the point that he knew he had to immediately stop flying. 2) Obviously he had proven himself in combat prior to that, since he was #1, but that may have been the first time he had been in such imminent danger. An enemy fighter had missile lock on him and could have easily fired on him and killed him. Adding the new baby and stress of it got to him. That Kelly McGillis would have an sexual chemistry with a secretly gay Scientologist..... oh wait. Its mentioned in the post script that he helped banks with security of their checks. Perhaps one of his suggestions was that corporate checks be a different size that personal checks. Trying to remember but I think he was taking the test for Chris to become a licensed stock broker. Few things to keep in mind: 1) She was around 40 at the start of show. Maybe she was hotter when they met. 2) Tony was just starting out when they got married and didn't have any of the money or power he had when the show began. 3) She understood the life and tolerated a lot from him. She knew about many other girls and stayed with him through it. It wasn't until he screwed the one-legged Russian who was taking care of his mother and Uncle, and the girl called the house and talked to AJ that she finally had enough. 4) Much more the marrying type of girl. Especially for an Italian man. Stayed home, took care of the kids, kept a clean home, cooked, and didn't ask to many questions. 5) While she knew enough to not ask many questions, she was smart enough to understand other things about the life. Like when it was time to "Spring Clean", why cash and weapons need to be hidden around the house, what to do if the FBI comes to the door, and if she were ever hauled in by the authorities, demand your lawyer and keep your mouth shut. 6) Consider the other girls. Rosalie would be a matter of opinion as far as looks (who knows who was hotter when younger). She did way more racktion than Carm, but maybe Tony didn't care for her personality. And maybe Jackie got to her first. Adriana was way younger than Tony and already dating Chris. While Tony would definitely bang her, having a long term relationship with her would bore him, and unlike Carm, she wasn't smart enough to ask for lawyer until it was to late. Pussy's wife was kind of mousy, and Pussy was older than Tony so maybe they were already married. Tony did bang Artie's wife, but probably thought she was too bossy to stay with. Plus Charmine would want to know way to much of what was going on and never tolerate Tony's filandering. Its not uncommon for him to disappear without notice and be gone for months. Happened at least twice that we know of. And earlier in the season he was very distant and distracted. As far as she knew he had something come up and completely forgot about the party. Spoiler Alert: She knows They are in some scenes together, but don't exchange any direct dialog. Both are in the pool hall most of the time, including when O'Bannon runs out to get Carl. Then Wooderson is watching outside when O'Bannon gets duped and he steps in between O'Bannon and Mitch when O'Bannon starts pushing him. Wooderson is also standing outside the pool hall when O'Bannon yells from a car "Hey Slater you Fuckin' Hippie, give me drugs man!!!!" I think at first she was just a moody teenager and she was venting her frustrations and anger on him. Plus the little she did know about him probably came from her mother who definitely had a low opinion of Buck. Then he embarrassed her in front of the school, made it clear he wouldn't tolerate the attitude, and then made a veiled threat to Bug. At that point she realized he was different than her parents in that he was actually paying attention and knew what kind of guy Bug was because he was a guy like that. From that point on it was just her trying to get back at him. He obviously made some money playing, so he must have reached the NFL but not had anywhere near the success of his college career. He probably signed a nice rookie contract, had a few endorsements, played a few years and either wasn't good enough to stick around, or the injuries started adding up. Probably was married by then and his wife urged him to walk away while he was still in good health and he had plenty of money to start up his car dealership, and made even more money off of that. Winning the Heisman is such a prestigious honor and probably by far the highlight of his career, so that is what everyone celebrated the most. Coach Riley didn't strike me as the kind of guy would have hesitated to use his influence, especially when not doing so would cost him his best player. Remember he went so far as to make a deal with Bombay's employer and sponsor to get him to threaten Bombay's job if he didn't drop the matter. And if he did care about positive press, then why not let Banks go at the start of the season? Instead if just seemed like no one knew about this rule change except for Hans. Someone within the league had to make the rule, but there was no follow up on it. No Way!!!!!! And the good guy coach would definitely not call them that during the final game.