Sandman81's Replies

After Doug throws up before their Olympic trial: D: Don't worry, in 10 minutes I'll be fine. K: We are skating right now, and our program is only 2 minutes!!!!! D: ......... then 8 minutes after we're done I'll be fine. Not only was I ok with the expansion of Bill Turcotte's character, but I think they should have taken it a few steps further. He started getting close to Oswald and his wife, I think they should have had him have an affair with Oswald's wife, and it could be suspected that she was pregnant with his kid. This would further strain the relationship between Bill and Jake and help convince Jake that Bill was unreliable. They were chanting "Apollo, Apollo, Apollo!!!" no On a scale of 0 - 10, 0 being completely against the hazing (Tony and Mike), and 10 being insanely for it (O'Bannon). Pink I would score a 2. He has no interest in doing it, but he's not above watching others do it, or going along with Benny and Dawson to yell at the freshmen while they're still in school. I score Tony and Mike the lowest because they are the only people who point out how absorb the whole thing is. Not only do they not participate with the guys, but they're the only ones against what the girls do. And you know they got it really bad when they were freshman, so good for them for not wanting to continue something they hated. Dawson is a 5. He'll take his licks, and doesn't feel bad about it in the least. But he doesn't feel obligated to get every kid he can get his hands on. And he gave the kid a beer afterwards, which Pink talked about Seniors doing for him when he was Freshman, and he appreciated it. And Dawson was cool to Mitch at bar afterward. Mel is slightly more than Dawson at a 6. He also enjoys it, but isn't obsessed with it. He recognizes when its over and stops O'Bannon from getting seconds on Mitch. Also was really nice to Mitch afterwards which I think is the only redeeming part of this hazing. The Seniors being really nice to the Freshman afterwards, and in some ways treating them as equals. I score him higher because of a deleted scene with him and Benny. Benny I put at 8. Obviously he's obsessed with it, and even takes an early trip to scare the kids. Stalks Mitch twice, then waits for the other guys outside the rec center (deleted scene). Isn't cool to kids later (not wanting to give Hirschfelder a beer), but we also never see him interact with Mitch afterwards, so maybe he was ok to him. Two reasons I score him below O'Bannon; 1st, once he was done, it was over. He never talked about seconds or went after anyone after he already had them. And 2nd, he wanted to finish his pool game before he went out to get Carl. She has a very athletic body. Tall and lean, with little body fat. Unfortunately that usually means smaller breast too, but hers are still a good size. They fit with her body, and overall she looked really good in this movie. Jokes on anyone who thinks Rico is a moron: HE NAILED THEM BOTH!!!!!!!! Carmen was his high school girlfriend, who hadn't put out yet (at least not until prom), and Diz was his tomboyish friend and teammate who he never thought of in a romantic way. But probably the biggest reason a high school guy like Rico would chose Carmen or Diz is pretty simple and obvious, Carmen had big boobs and Diz had small ones. Kind of surprising that they were able to do the body cast of her for that scene, since they obviously were on a shoe string budget. But it still looks good, and convincing. The close up shots are what give away that its not the actual actress. I guess the morale of the story is: film a scene like that early in production. That way the actress has less time to think about it and get cold feet, and you hold leverage over her in that if she refuses you can still recast her. There's no way they could have afforded to reshot all her scenes, and she probably realized that, and that's how she got away without actually doing it. I think he's alive, and avoided jail time and psychiatric treatment, but Betsy being in his cab and lovingly looking at him and admiring what he did was just a fantasy. Notice we never see her get into the cab, and Travis is driving for awhile before he realizes she's there. Between this and the quick flash when he looks in the mirror show that he's not "cured" or in any better state of mind than he was at the start. He's merly in a brief oasis of peace, before his next psychotic episode. We never got a specific reason, but many possible theories: Toby is the only person in the office that doesn't have to listen to Michael, since Toby is technically from corporate. Being that he's the HR rep, he is the one who has to squash many of Michaels ideas. He's just so low energy and boring that it drives Michael nuts. Toby had a family and a daughter, but got divorced. Michael is desperate to have a family of his own and is jealous that someone like Toby could have one, and lose it. It was the original 11 (Saul does show up on the big night and wins big at Black Jack) plus Benedict and the English guy who shows up at the start. He gives them the intel on the Greco. Just looked it up, his name is Roman. After Livingston is "arrested" he poses as a casino worker who a brings in new machines, which are actually the rigged ones. Yes it is his parents fault for him getting lost in the first place. . But if at any point the hotel had done its job, then the matter would have been resolved, and they could have stuck that huge bill on the McCallasters. First, I'm pretty sure most hotels, especially high class ones like The Plaza would not let anyone under 18 check in alone. Second its not legal to use someone else's credit card, even if it is your parent. The lady at the desk would have said "Call your Dad back and tell him he needs to come check in before we let you in a room." Then when Tim Curry realized that card was stolen, why wait to confront Kevin. Call the police, or the credit card company first. The card was already reported missing by the police, so he would have been told the situation. Then at that point either you tell Kevin he can't leave his room until his parents arrive, or you have the police already there and they take Kevin. Instead they confront him first, Kevin runs off with no credit card, and little food. So due to the hotels incompetence the situation was made 100x worse, rather than being easily resolved. And to add further injury to insult: That massive room the McCallisters got was for free, and you know that $900 room service bill was waived. Because the writers didn't think it would be funny, and the director agreed, so they never filmed it. It's a comedy movie. Settle down. I think Creed pays extra attention to any security or law enforcement personal. So it's more plausible that he would remember Hanks names, and not necessarily co-workers. He NEVER knew what the 3 traps were. He only had the clues written in his diary, but had no idea what they meant, or how they applied to each test. And it did appear that the diary was full of a lot of information. Most of it was meant to help him figure out where Grail was. Most likely he wouldn't remember everything in it. The point of keeping records was so he wouldn't have to remember everything. Rogue One kind of explained this. The man in charge of designing the weapons system quit and went into hiding. Then they found him and basically made him work at gun point. He admitted in his message to Jen that he was intentionally working slow, and sabotaging things as much as he could without being caught. A lot less trial and error the 2nd time around, and they knew how to do it already. And one other possible thing. When the Empire built the first one, it was during "peace time" and they still had the Senate, and they probably were trying to not scare systems into joining an Alliance against them. Even though the Senate had little actual power at that point, they still could get upset if the Emperor spent all the Galaxies resources into a space station meant to squash any resistance. So the Emperor could only budget so much per year toward the Death Star. By the time they built the 2nd one, they were at war, and there was no Senate to interfere. So if the Emperor just wanted to blow all the money into this project, nobody could stop him, and if anyone questioned it he could just say "We are at war, we must take extreme measures to win." Or how about just calling 911 when you said you were going too. Instead we get this exchange: Casey: I am about 2 seconds away from calling the police. Killer: They'll never make it time. We're out in the middle of nowhere. Casey: Yeah I guess you're right. Why even bother. Probably doesn't save Steve, might not even save her, although it does become possible for her to barricade herself in a room to buy time. And it does make it possible the police arrive and see the killers there, and possibly catch them. Randy called them rules, but there're really more like clichés. They don't have to be true, but more offen than not they are. When Sydney at the end says "not in MY movie." she was speaking to the whole "self aware horror movie" that this movie was. Since she was aware that she was in a horror movie, she could avoid the common pitfalls. I think I twist was pretty good. The idea that there was two killers was pretty ground breaking at the time. I don't recall another movie like this doing that, without tipping off the audience sooner. Also the faking of Billy's death, as well as the Billy's motives were pretty good twist that weren't predictable. The guy in bed, may be the worst actor ever. He doesn't even try to react to anything that's going on around them. The girl at least screams and tries to looked shocked.