Mulletor's Replies

One hit wonders and one song wonders unfairly get lumped into the same heap. The 80s one Thank you for the vote of confidence What are your thoughts on The Changeling? He would have messed them up beyond recognition! This is a fair review. After watching it my only thoughts on it were "Well, I watched a movie." Nothing memorable about it. Oh you'll find out in no time! haha Valid points. I see by your low post count your Movie Chat spirit hasn't been broken yet. Megan Thee Stallion or the Woody Harrelson episodes were worse. Even the previous week's Molly Shannon episode wasn't anything to write home about...but most of the alumni hosted episodes are trash anyway due to unnecessary recurring bits. Thank you. I have a script for an NC-17 version of The Goonies if you are interested. I had a delivery driver from New Hampshire that did runs into New Brunswick (Canadian province, not the city in New Jersey) on a weekly basis get me some Moxie. Odd flavor. Can't place the flavor, but I would know it if I had it again. It was...gotta watch out for those Ford Pintos! Perhaps they are packed with explosives as a deterrent in the event someone tries to steal one. I second this I want to see them in 2023. "Like Father, Like Son???" Like Guy Fieri...gets shit on all the time but is by all accounts super cool dude. Ok, Ok, You guys have won me over. I'm on the complete opposite of his sense of humor though. Sorry! I had the same thing with Betty Grable.