MovieChat Forums > Jamfo > Replies

Jamfo's Replies

Queen... you need to let go of this "62% third weekend drop" for Thor 3, as if the fact that JL's week three drop being less somehow redeems JL. Simply taking that percentage alone, without looking at the total picture, is simply foolish. Let's look at FACTS. Percentages alone do not tell the whole story... you have to look at how those percentage relate to the totals. Thor 3 had a VERY good hold from opening to week 2, dropping only 53.5%. This means a large amount of those that were going to see the film saw it in one of the first two weeks. In week 2, Thor 3 brought in $57-million; that is 61% of JL's OPENING. The reason Thor 3 could fall 62% in its third week is because the bar was so high it had room to fall. To put that into perspective, if you take JL's second and third week COMBINED, the total is only $1-million more than Thor 3's second weekend ALONE. When you take the numbers into account, you tell me what is more concerning, Thor 3 falling 62% from $57-million to $22-million, or JL falling 59% from $41-million to $17 million? One other, very damaging, factor you are not taking in. Thor 3, in its third week, had to deal with the OPENING of JL... so it is safe to assume that a considerable number of genre fans opted to go to the JL opening, pulling potential dollars form Thor 3. There were NO NEW OPENINGS OF NOTE this weekend; no genre films, no highly anticipated movies; to pull fans away from JL. So again, you tell me what is worse: Thor 3 falling 62% in its third week when competing against a highly anticipated major opening in the same genre, or JL falling 59% in its third week when competing against... nothing. So... you can keep spouting that 62% number all you like... but when you look in context it is totally meaningless and says nothing about the success of Thor 3 or the failure of JL. You have to take ALL then numbers together in order to tell the full story. It still fell almost 57% this weekend... I was shocked that it dropped that far, given the fact that it did have a smaller opening. I thought the long holiday weekend would help it hold a bit more, but it looks like it didn't help too much. I did some calculations for comparison... I'm not able to make a direct comparison, as Thor 3 had a "rolling" debut opening in 34 international markets the weekend of October 20th through 22nd (two weeks before the US debut) and in an additional 16 markets the weekend of October 27th through 29th (a week before the US debut), while Justice League opened simultaneously in every market. This makes it difficult to get a true nature of the International numbers after 10 days, as 34 markets will show the full 10 days, while 16 others will only have 5 days, having opened the following weekend. It is also important to note that China, the second largest movie market worldwide, is one of those that will only have five viewing days in the international 10 day total. Even taking that into consideration, the international 10 day take for Thor 3 is listed at $308 million. Add that to the US 10-day total of $212 million, and the combined global take for Thor 3 is somewhere near the $520 million mark. Again, these numbers may be a bit off, since I don't need to take the time to go fish out the other 16 international markets that only had five days in the international numbers and then add in the additional 5 days (and that would include an ADDITIONAL $22 million from China alone)... so I'm probably low in my full 10 day calculation... if someone did have the time to run those numbers, I actually believe that the 10 day total, with each market's 10-day numbers added in, that the full 10-day total for Thor 3 would be somewhere in the neighborhood of $540 to $550 million. No, it was two separate weekends, the two dates mentioned, the 5th and the 12th, are the respective Sundays closing the weekends. So Thor 3 was #1 in its debut weekend November 3rd through November 5th and retained the #1 spot in its second weekend, November 10th through November 12th. So Thor 3 was ranked #1 in domestic box office for two consecutive weekends. Justice League, by comparison, was #1 for its debut weekend of November 17th through November 19th and then dropped to #2 for its second weekend, November 24th through November 26th. That is a direct, apples-to-apples comparison, weekend by weekend. I included the article that verifies my statements, and the fact that Thor 3 held the #1 position at the box office for two consecutive weekends, in my previous post. No... Thor 3 was in first place, domestic box office, for the weeks of 11/5/2017 and 11/12/2017: It's OK to argue, but at least try to get the facts correct. You know how they say there are "lies, damned lies, and statistics"? This is a definite example of that... Yes, Thor 3 dropped 64% in its third weekend, when another highly anticipated comic book movie opened to pull eyes away from Thor's showings. But Thor 3 showed great legs in it's second week, dropping only 54%. Heck, last weekend, Thor 3 took in almost $57 million... so in it's SECOND week, Thor 3 took in almost 60% of what Justice League did in its debut, WITH a Thursday lead-in. So if you average the two drops together, Thor 3 is actually holding very well. It's total international take is tracking 11% ABOVE that of Guardians of the Galaxy, Vol. 2, and that movie had a total international take of $870 million. So, I'll bet that Mavel isn't losing one bit of sleep over this. After all, that 64% decline still resulted in nearly $22 million in domestic grosses. As of right now, Thor 3's domestic gross sits at $250 million, a number that Justice League will struggle to meet. It may not be that important to you, and it doesn't mean anything to me, either, other than it is making for some awesome backtracking and revisionist history on the part of those DCEU fans who HAVE been militant about all of this. You saying that Marvel is "second rate" is your opinion, and you are entitled to it. The fact that Marvel's "The Avengers" will beat "Justice League" like a rented mule is fact, and nothing any DC fan can say will change that fact. Of course they don't need to hit the billion dollar mark. But the reason this number is being held out as a milestone is because of all the noise the DC fans have been making for years when trying to espouse their movies over those of their Marvel counterparts. The fact is, Marvel has hit this mark four times, and all but one of those, Iron Man 3, were big-event team-up movies. For the past few years, ever since "The Avengers" hit that mark and changed the game, DC fans have been playing the waiting game. "Just wait until there's a Justice League movie," they would tout. "Then you will see who really is number one in the comic book adaptation genre." DC fans would posit that you could not fairly compare a team-up movie to that of the individual "intro" films, stating the existing DC movies were more fairly compared to Iron Man, Captain America, Thor and not to the super-blockbuster team-up films. I remember discussions with a user back on the old IMDB boards that, if "The Avengers" can hit 1 billion, then a Justice League film could easily double that take. After all, with its pantheon of indelible characters (Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman), the Justice League team-up was the crown jewel of the DCEU and a guaranteed game-changer. So everyone waited... and "Justice League" debuted. And it was underwhelming. And now, all of a sudden, all the DC fans who would puff their chests and guaranteed that the Justice League film would just blow the Marvel films out of the water have disappeared. And now we are left with vapid discussions of how "Justice League" is performing, not against "The Avengers", not against "Captain America: Civil War", and not even against the pedestrian "Avengers: Age of Ultron"; no, instead we are comparing the DCEU's CROWN JEWEL, the long-anticipated, can't miss teaming of the most iconic heroes in the comics, to Thor 3. If I had said we would be making that comparison a few months ago, DCEU fans heads would have exploded.