Buttholio's Replies

<blockquote>But the USA has freedom of speech and rule of law</blockquote> Awwwww that's sweet... Seen any unicorns lately? I guess I kind of thought she was attractive before I actually heard her talking about stuff... Now, ugh. Another idea was if we assume he could get more Pym particles maybe he could find a timeline that was doomed to be destroyed and kidnap the Peggy from that timeline (thus dodging the "but he's stealing her from his other self/original husband" issue) and then take her to the Thanos-less timeline which was left when the Thanos in Endgame time traveled and then got killed. There they could safely live happy ever after without the threat of Thanos... The thing about the infinite loop is that with all the changes Cap makes to the timeline there's no reason to assume the Cap of that timeline would even have a reason to go back... Wouldn't one of Cap's priorities be to prepare for the inevitable coming of Thanos, which he would know about way in advance of anyone in that timeline? If they could prevent Thanos from getting the Stones and ever doing the Snap there'd be no reason for anyone to go back in time anymore. Then Cap would bascially just be going back to steal Peggy from the other Cap, which seems kind of un-Cap... I suppose Cap could take back some extra Pym particles, then he could take the other Cap aside and explain "Hey buddy I'm gonna steal your Peggy but here's some Pym particles, now you can go back and steal your own Peggy, just be sure to give these Pym particles to the next Cap in line so he can keep it going..." I had a topic about this a while back... Yeah it's pretty much a can of worms whichever way you go with it. If you want it explained away you could just go with Cap never actually knew where he was frozen, so he was never able to find his other self, but maybe the other Cap finally gets found once Cap has grown old with Peggy... Then the other Cap could have Sharon Carter as a consolation prize for losing the love of his life.... LOL. Sucks to be that Cap! I had some other explanations worked out but they were way more convoluted. Well, white people are the new all-purpose villains... They're the one people you can demonize without anyone getting too offended... And white people have generally been too hypnotized by universal humanitarian BS that they don't notice what's going on. She seemed pretty warped... She actually pulled a fake suicide attempt to basically force Hitler to take care of her. He was devastated by the recent suicide of his beloved niece so it was an easy way to manipulate him. As for the bullet on top of the cyanide, it was just to make extra sure. Wouldn't want to survive and get hauled before a world tribunal or anything... We really don't know the behind the scenes terms of the deal with Sony. But Sony would be idiots to try to take Spiderman out of the MCU... to do what with him exactly? The ASM movies proved they don't know what to do with the property. This is a good deal all around... Sony was smart enough to make the deal with Marvel in the first place so I bet they'll be smart enough to stay with it. Having some sort of mentor figure is a basic part of Peter's character. Everything else about the relationship is very different. Ben and Tony are very different people and the circumstances of the relationship are very different. They have actually... what's that word again... oh right... CHANGED. If you're going to pretend to not understand basic English just so you can keep trolling, there's probably no point in trying to have a discussion with you. GOOD DAY TO YOU SIR My point was that they did change the FORMULA (which is what this topic is about) but did not change Peter's essential CHARACTER. I'm sure you'll have some devastating, though specious, response... If your little moments of "victory" help you get through your day that's okay, really... I'm not judging. Must be boring being you. Anyway, the point is that by changing the formula they kept it fresh for the audience! Unlike your trolling... It was very smart of Feige & co. to transfer Peter's mentor complex to Tony, as it relieves us from the obligation of sitting through the Uncle Ben story yet again, and creates a new dynamic for the character in the MCU, while still being true to Peter's basic personality. Smart decisions like this are why the MCU is thriving while the other attempted franchises go down in flames. Why would I care? This franchise is not for me. I'm just an old white male who saw the original movie in the theater so by the definition of Disney SW I'm an evil, backwards oppressor who is everything wrong with SW... Why would I want to watch exactly? It would be like going back to an abusive relationship at this point. I was a little disappointed we didn't get a scene of Hulk/Banner summoning up his inner monster for one last beatdown with Thanos... But in a movie so packed with stuff I'm not surprised they didn't find room for it. He did get his big scene with the gauntlet... But his MCU story arc may not be over yet. Maybe he will go to work in Wakanda, now that Suri is back, and reappear in the Black Panther movies... or something. You never know. Maybe they did go a little far in rubbing it in with Thor... But he did have his redemption, he discovered he was still worthy, had some badass battle moments and was back in good spirits by the end... They didn't do a Luke Skywalker on him or anything! So even if he does everything the best he can, rooting out Hydra and all that, he still ends up stealing Peggy from the original Steve Rogers of that timeline, which seems like kind of a dick move. Maybe the original Steve Rogers from that timeline will go on to eventually go back to an older timeline and steal the Peggy from that timeline's Steve Rogers... Leading to an endless quantum-wave of Steve-stealing-Peggys through the multiverse... So in the end all the Steves end up with Peggys, but only by stealing them from the Steve from one adjacent timeline over! Happy ending, right? I think it is fair to say the film leave it open to interpretation. An old Steve looking back on a life with Peggy and saying "It was beautiful..." does not preclude it was also full of activity, and the stuff about the platform and what Steve was wearing is really just a quibble. The main point is BY THE TIME TRAVEL LOGIC THE MOVIE HAS SET UP, Cap HAD to have created an alternate timeline when he went back. The idea of him living out a "secret" life in the "main" timeline flies in the face of everything established about time travel in the rest of the movie. The Russos have confirmed that this was their intention, and it's pretty obvious why they didn't try to shoehorn in some kind of explanation in that last scene with Cap since it just would have felt contrived and detracted from the emotional impact of the scene. There is certainly nothing in the film as it is that contradicts the idea that Cap at the end has traveled from an alternate timeline. ... not to mention trying to prevent Thanos from getting the Stones so the Snap never happens, Black Widow doesn't die, Tony doesn't die... Steve would have a "Groundhog Day"-like ability to try to engineer the best possible outcome for his new timeline. The whole idea of Cap "hiding out and letting events play out as they did before" is based on a Back to the Future idea of time travel, which this movie has specifically repudiated. According the the rules the movie has set up, ANY time you alter events in the past, it creates an alternate timeline. There's no reason it would be any different when Steve decides to stay in the past with Peggy. He would obviously understand this, being a seasoned time traveler at this point... There would be no guarantee ANYTHING would play out "as it did before" so basically it would be on Cap to try to ensure the best possible outcome for his new timeline. Cap being Cap, could he really be happy just "playing house" with Peggy, knowing that Bucky is being tortured somewhere and turned into a murderous assassin, Hydra is infesting society and corrupting SHIELD, the threat of Thanos is developing somewhere out in space... And with NO reason to assume, given this movie's rules of time travel, that things would "play out as they did before." In the comics, both Bucky and Sam became Captain America at some point... In the movies, it made sense they chose Sam because he's younger and more idealistic and not compromised by years of being a brainwashed assassin, like Bucky. Plus he is already known to the public as an Avenger and ally of Steve Rogers, so it makes sense from a PR standpoint he would take up the mantle. Nah, she was too busy having a Girl Power moment somewhere... or getting her hair done again...