Buttholio's Replies

It might not be safe to assume Avengers 5. They could actually wrap up the Avengers movies with 4 and then use some different group as the focus of the next Phase, Fantastic Four for example. He's got the "getting a spear in the chest" move down, at least... They won't rebel, face it. They've been lobotomized and castrated by the media. The machine will grind them into powder. "Not with a bang, but a whimper..." "Critical response to all three has been through the roof, as has audience response." I take it you are unaware of the audience RT score for TLJ? Perhaps you have not actually read the audience reviews there, or on IMDB for that matter. If anything the whole TLJ debacle has just shown, to anyone who didn't already get it, just how meaningless the "critics" opinions are. "The entire planet is on the edge of its seat counting down the days until Episode 9 is released." Yep. That's exactly what's happening. This is the movie that will break the myth of every SW movie being a megahit. Well all the scenes were awful really. At least here there was a slight attempt, however feeble, at character development and actually tying things into the events of TFA. You could slip him a Mickey It is pretty stupid but at least she had a scene. And they cut it for what? More Cantino Bight goodness? If only they had all refused to return, like Wedge... The ceremonial batting of the toilet paper roll...? I dunno Obviously Rey should have been a Skywalker. Star Wars is supposed to be a Skywalker story. Anakin, Luke, Rey. This trilogy should have been handing on the Skywalker legacy to a new generation. Of course that wouldn't work here because they couldn't make it seem like Luke did anything worthwhile or had anything of value to pass on. And then Rey's gross infatuation with Kylo would be even grosser because it would be incesty. And who cares about Star Wars traditions anyway, only pathetic backwards nerds care about that sort of thing. Sooo... yeah. Sure am on the edge of my seat wondering about Rey's parentage..... SNORE Why would you fear black people if you were me? That doesn't really make sense. Actually the main thing the "Nazis" wanted to do was extricate themselves from the corrupt world banking system that was destroying their country so in a way, they were after seclusion too. A racially exclusive xenophobic ethnostate is cool if you're black but if you're white it makes you a Nazi. And armored war rhinos are awesome. No. And I'm SO glad I didn't get TFA, seeing that thing in my digital movies list would just be a cancer now. I did buy Rogue One but I can live with that. Schleppinwolf I doubt RJ really had that much say honestly. It was KK's vision he was hired to realize. The idea that TLJ was all the subversive vision of a maverick director is just Disney spin BS to hide the truth, that RJ was doing exactly what the Disney bigwigs wanted him to do, namely to destroy the actual Star Wars so the zombie Disney version could take its place. Now that the deed is done RJ will be discarded faster than a used bogroll wad, just my prediction. My read is that he bailed when he saw what KK really wanted to do: turning SW into nothing but a vehicle to push her fasco-feminist agenda, and specifically the character assassination of Luke Skywalker. Either he objected morally or just realized it would basically taint his name forever and probably end up being career suicide. Fortunately for KK the vermin RJ was too much of a preening self-satisfied idiot to have such concerns. Just nuke the forum from orbit. It's the only way to be sure... I wasn't expecting much but this was actually really good. Every point spot on.