Buttholio's Replies

Aquaman will be the first 3 billion dolllor movie, then you Marveltards will cry out your asses, LOL I wonder what Plinkett will have to say... I don't know if anyone really "loves" this movie. I think a lot of Millenials are excited by the notion they've taken Star Wars away from the old white guys or whatever but once they see what a piece of shit they actually got, the thrill will wear off. Yeah salt can be red. I sprinkle Himalayan Pink Salt on my salad every day. This movie is still idiotic though. It's funny how this new abomination actually makes the prequels look a little better in comparison. At least George TRIED to tell a different type of story... Disney execs assumed their audience are soulless idiots like themselves. Sweet bantha farts! I liked the colors on Wonder Woman Yeah I started cringing at the very first scene and just kept on cringing throughout the movie. By the end I had cringed my way right through the floor. I had to use the basement exit! At least none of them tried to pull a Space Leia... I would be excited to watch it fail. I suppose I might actually watch it if it shows up on Netflix eventually. I would watch this movie. IMDb lives! They lost this Star Wars fan. I was giving them the benefit of the doubt but now... fuck those guys. They're not getting another penny out of me. It helps that I don't give a single crap about any of the characters. I bet the Deadpool movies go on being their own separate thing, except now they can make fun of all Marvel properties, not just Xmen. Poor little DCEU :( Man of Steel sequel lol