Buttholio's Replies

[url]https://nerdist.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/Thala-Siren-Visual-Dictionary.jpg[/url] Apparently it's called a Thala-Siren. Yeah, playing a dead body seems within her range. Yeah go see Last Jedi if you want to watch a Mouse rape Star Wars. Kind of like a snuff film for your childhood. Or as a subliminal Battlefront 2 advertisement Good one... and make a Sea Creature Milking Playset to put him in. You made 3 out of 5 up. Anyway Cap will get his shield back obviously and Thor will forge a new weapon at the start of Infinity War. Well I do feel there's an argument to be made that Rey is not a well written character and she would actually make a better female role model if she was more believable and better integrated into the Star Wars universe. And I wish "Mary Sue" had never come into vogue because all it does is needlessly polarise the discussion and make it about misogyny and being afraid of strong women when the real point IMO is the bad writing. Yeah you're the one using the "Mary Sue" label as an excuse to ignore the arguments about how badly written Rey is. Nobody is "afraid of strong women." Rey is a badly written character, that's it. I'm sure Disney made him all sorts of promises. I kind of doubt we'll be seeing much more of him though. "Guy who killed Star Wars" doesn't look that great on a director's resume. If anyone needs a spineless toady for some hack work, he might get a job here and there I suppose. People still watch Alex Jones? When the old Star Wars did it it was "tokenism" ... now it's "diversity" ... Riiiight... Would have been a good opportunity for a Billy Dee Williams cameo... but we wouldn't want to remind people there was actually diversity in the original movies, would we? Not if the turd is a Mary Sue He has fulfilled his media obligations for THIS movie, that doesn't mean he might not have refused to come back for another, dumbass. And don't forget they paid $4 billion for Star Wars in the first place. They took a big risk on it being a cash cow, then shot it in the udder. He does not "have a point." The point is that Star Wars is not doing as well as expected, relative to Jumanji. All he was doing was obscuring the issue. The "factual box office data" actually supports that point, the point of the topic, which certain people are trying to derail with their usual tactics. And you can't counter that so you go for the ad hominem attack. How pathetically predictable. That doesn't make sense. Jumanji is doing well because a lot of people are going to see it instead of Star Wars. Saying people are going to see Jumanji because it's "doing well" is just circular logic. "We haven't hit super hero fatigue yet. We get one star wars film a year." The difference is that superhero films are different enough that they can appeal to different audiences. There are people who love GotG who don't really care about other comic films, and so on. But so far Disney Star Wars all feels the same. ...and you even edited your grammar mistake after the fact. You are just a sad little man.