Buttholio's Replies

Straw man argument, weak. Dodging the issue, weak. "Your" for "you're," mega weak. Not having a coherent plan for a TRILOGY OF MOVIES, especially with such an important, high-profile franchise like Star Wars, is simply idiotic. How is not having a plan smart? That doesn't make sense. You don't seem to understand the topic. Thor will be more serious now because Asgard has been destroyed and the responsibility for his people lies upon his shoulders (and yes, I am a Marvelite). wut It does seem shockingly inept for a top-tier franchise like this. I watched it on the Space Station and all the other astronauts walked out. If you watch the interviews at the time, it looks like it pained Lucas deeply to sell SW to Disney. He had, as they say "a bad feeling" about it. Even referred to it as selling his children into slavery. But he did it anyway, because billions. Yeah it doesn't really make sense. That's probably why they just dropped them completely from this movie. It was more important to make Luke look bad I guess. Get real, after TLJ debacle KK is out. Also EEEEWWWWWWW even at that image Then isn't it even sadder you would actually spend time trying to rebut me? LOL That was sad. You're barely even trying. He will have a new Force power, shooting green milk I don't need any special insider knowledge to know there's something wrong in Disney's Star Wars division. I saw the proof with my own eyes. I paid $10 to see that piece of crap. Having suffered through it I can't help but wonder WHY it was such a piece of crap. Evidence strongly suggests a rushed production schedule, incoherent leadership, and an unwise decision to shoehorn political agendas into a fantasy science fiction film. And around and around it goes! Ladies and gentlemen I give you... the Dance of the Trolls. So setting up a bunch of plot threads in the first movie and then throwing them all in the garbage in the second one, was all part of a cunning master plan I suppose? Their "plan" seems to be to squeeze as many dollars out of the Star Wars name as they can, as fast as possible. It's a woefully shortsighted strategy. They literally didn't even have a plan in place for the trilogy and just started pumping out the films... Star Warts, cuz... it's ugly Classic troll maneuver For all the lofty condescension you don't make a single actual point. You say "the brilliance of Rian Johnson's choices become clearer" ... leaving aside the grammar error, what choices do you mean and why are they "brilliant?" I actually read this as "smells..." She probably does smell pretty good.