Buttholio's Replies

...or maybe they wouldn't even care about society, they'd be Nihilist Apathy Groaners, or NAGs If they were apathetic they probably wouldn't be warriors though. Maybe Social Apathy Groaner? Bullseying womp rats He Force Wiped Then he goes into a soliloquy about how he sees the error of his ways and it breaks out into a full-blown "I wanna change" musical number with dancing porgs and Force Ghost Luke swinging his jug of green milk to the tune... Hey, it's anything goes from here. There's no way the fabled Rian Johnson trilogy is happening now that his name is forever tainted by the TLJ fiasco. It was probably just an empty promise KK made to ensure loyalty of her sniveling toady anyway... He knew a destroyer of myth when he saw one. Yeah I think you won the topic. ...and you just know Solo will be a 2-hour scolding of Han Solo by Danaerys-face... the masculine archetype of the cocksure scoundrel will be dismantled, just as the image of the noble selfless hero was violated in TLJ. Even the most noble aspirations of white males are tainted with evil so they should be exterminated from the face the Galaxy. It's the only way to be sure. It's very suspicious it's holding at exactly 50% though ROTS - (RO) - ANH - ESB - ROTJ Robocop movies? Wait for Black Friday sales. I got Spiderman Homecoming for $8 in the last one, I think GotG2 was also $8 but I already had it. George should have realised he was a crap director and worked with other directors to create good movies with him overseeing. If he were in control he at least would never have allowed the present debacle to happen. It was a simple tale well told. It was the mythic dimension of it which made it become so popular. Thing is the Star Wars myth is done, the tale is told, after this it's just going to be increasingly rehashed, watered-down versions of the same basic story. Well it ain't IMDb but at least there's an Ignore function... Fuck you, asshole. What the hell is wrong with you? A New Mope It doesn't really need an explanation, it's Star Wars. It looked cool. And it was definitely different from Hoth. Yep. Nothing like Hoth at all. The "crystal critters" would have been cool in Harry Potter.