Buttholio's Replies

Also Force Ghosts being able to affect the physical world. And random Force Powers out of nowhere with no basis in the earlier movies, and not even any real attempt to justify them in this one. No, no, you misunderstand. I am all for difference of opinion. I just happen to know that you, personally, are a dumbass. I just wanted to point that out. Good day to you, fine sir. Also the first SW with no actual lightsaber duel. But hey it's "subverting expectations!" Going to see a movie called "Star Wars" and expecting it to actually be a Star Wars movie makes you a bad person apparently... That's only because you're a dumbass. Or they could just go with it and go full-on CGI astral adventure Leia... Hell, might as well give her the whole movie. Good points. Also the fact this is the first SW to use "flashbacks." Since when does SW have flashbacks? Flashbacks is the sort of thing you use if you want to lazily shoehorn some BS into your story that doesn't really fit... Oh right... It's not like the line itself is such a big deal, but they couldn't even spare three seconds for it? It's emblematic of their failure to understand what makes SW work at all. They spend the rest of their life pathetically trying to recapture that feeling of power they got from pushing people around on the playground. Truth. And no true Star Wars fan will ever be clamoring for vermin RJ's return. So if you go to RT and read the endless scroll of 1/2 and 1 star reviews and people saying why they utterly despised it, that's just "bored and lonely internet reactionaries?" I know, right? It fails at basic storytelling. And yet somehow if we notice we're just "fans" who "didn't get what we expected." There will be no Johnson trilogy. After Ep. IX Disney is likely to rethink their strategy. Your idea does make more sense based on available information. It's an event that would contribute to both Tony's and Peter's arcs in meaningful ways. Perhaps your new prison buddies would be interested in hearing your views about Black Panther Yeah the second he sets foot on that walkway you know exactly what's going to happen. You even have Rey & Finn getting into position for a prime view. They even made fun of it in the Lego TFA game, they had some stormtroopers munching popcorn. And of course he had to fall down a shaft. Why bother crafting a beautiful elegaic final moment for one of pop culture's most beloved heroes when you can just have him fall down a shaft? This is one of those cases where the hate just doesn't make sense. It's set in Africa so they're black. What other color would they be? It's not like they replaced a bunch of white actors with black actors for "diversity"... It's set in AFRICA. Where they are BLACK. Seriously people... Nah, not really. It could suck and still make a billion dollars. I've been going since ANH. I never missed a one. And I'll never see another. Anything else would be to betray my childhood self. Oh man, shades of Uncle Ben I knew at the end of this movie that not only would I never watch it again but I would never under any circumstances give any money to anything Disney Star Wars related ever. If they somehow accidentally release a good Star Wars movie later on down the line I'll just wait for a used bluray. I saw TFA 3 times, twice for myself and once with someone else who wanted to see it. (Not a SW person but curious about the hype) The same person asked about seeing TLJ - maybe an annual Star Wars movie could be a family tradition. Well I told her I didn't really like it and didn't want to see it myself but if she REALLY wanted to see it... She decided she didn't really care so we saw the Post instead, good movie. So there ya go Disney.