ak47wong's Replies

I love the movie, but that is an AWFUL trailer. The audio doesn't suit it at all and sounds like something for a Zack Snyder movie. I know you love to add pointless comments to old threads, but there are literally about a dozen people who already commented above you that they also heard "your ass" (or "your arse" to use the British spelling since Terence Stamp is English), so clearly OP is not the only one who thought that. Good for you. Some people appreciate being able to watch a movie on the big screen, as they were meant to be seen. What, are we to believe they're some sort of "magic slippers" or something? Boy I really hope somebody got fired for that blunder. Gandhi was PG and depicted the Jallianwala Bagh massacre in great detail. And that wasn’t a fictional "massacre" either. "Tetris" or "The Joy of Watching Paint Dry"? There was no PG-13 rating in 1983. PG-13 was introduced in 1984 after the release of Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. Bwahahaha! The Hateful Eight had an overture in its roadshow release. Some people prefer medicine and other people prefer incontinence pants. Depends. That is brilliant! Maybe they could have added an end title card as well: "Roy Neary is a writer living on a distant planet." Lacombe (Truffaut) does explain it when he's giving his presentation about the Indian chanting, although his lines can be hard to understand because of his accent: "To help you learn, I am using the hand sign created by Zoltán Kodály. Kodály developed these signs to teach music to deaf children." and they show a diagram of the 7 hand signs. Just for interest, the third guy who doesn't make it is played by Josef Sommer. I remember him well from Witness and D.A.R.Y.L. Did you watch Andor since Mando season 2? That’s what I did and it’s basically ruined everything else. This series seems like childish crap now. Pathetic, a whole 600 word article about the title Octopussy, as if that joke hasn't been done to death over the past 40 years. Was the author bored or something? What makes you think that's the reason for cutting Lonely Room? From what I've read the rationale was not wanting to dwell too much on Jud or make him a sympathetic character. They could have easily dubbed his singing voice with another vocalist if they wanted the song in the movie. <blockquote>I think kryptonite only effects the good guys from the planet Krypton</blockquote> Why? That makes no sense. Looks like the Kryptonian villains are being played by stand-ins here since it's shot from so far away. And also because this is a superhero movie and looking to the sky and yelling “noooooo” isn't out of place in comics, but looks stupid in Star Wars. Well, you’re wrong there. Sir Roger did watch it and this is what he wrote about it in his introduction to the 2015 edition of “Bond on Bond”: <blockquote>From beginning to end, Kristina and I were glued to the screen and thought it one of the best, if not the best, Bond film - terrific script, superb direction and camerawork. We were delighted to see some old familiar friends back, such as Moneypenny and Q plus a bit more humour, too.</blockquote>