ak47wong's Replies

I think riding the sub is barely mentioned because it's not an important detail. They don't SHOW Indy hanging on the submerging sub or have a scene of him looking around in a panic when it starts to dive. You see Indy on top waving triumphantly to the crew of Katanga's ship, then the scene cuts to the action inside the U-boat. We don't see Indy again until he suddenly appears in the port. You're meant to conveniently ignore what happens in between and I think if you're not watching too critically, it's quite easy to do just that. The nuke scene, on the other hand, draws attention to itself because it shows every detail of Indy jumping in the fridge and being subjected to a nuclear explosion. It's impossible to ignore and I find it impossible to suspend disbelief enough to think the terrific acceleration and deceleration wouldn't cause instant death and break every bone in his body. I saw it in the cinema. The two things I remember: Watching it in Sydney, it was a big novelty seeing our city as the filming location. You could hear people commenting on buildings and streets that they recognised in the background. Growing up on the movies of Jackie Chan, Jet Li, Donnie Yen etc, we found all the kung fu scenes downright hilarious. I mean, kudos to the actors for doing the best they could and for not using stunt doubles all the time, but still, we couldn't help busting out laughing. Welp, I think I found all the archived posts He was her <b>BOYFRIEND</b> I'm with you there. I was super hyped by the whole MCU machine right up to Endgame. Far from Home was a bit of an anticlimax after that. Then when the whole movie industry shut down for 4 months, something changed and I've lost interest in any more comic book movies. Can't summon up any enthusiasm for Black Widow or any of the movies after that, at least for now. Thanks! Not being American, I never would have known that. Here's the Airplane scene: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oRi6POTSbW4 You mean she was a prude? Or was she a dried plum often eaten as a remedy for constipation? Sounds like you’re pitching for a prequel. Kindergarten Cop Begins? There's a list of prequels here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_prequels Looks like the earliest prequel film was "The Golem: How He Came into the World" from 1920. The first scream was from Wamba being forced into the flames. Unseen by the camera, he falls of a ledge to the floor below. The second scream was when the man-at-arms falls on top of Wamba. It seems to be modelled more on a newspaper publisher or maybe a publisher of high quality magazines rather than pulp fiction. Yep I saw it in the cinema and the audience absolutely loved it. Hicks got a huge cheer when he crashed through the window of the medical room to rescue Ripley and Newt. And of course "Get away from her you b*tch" got a big reaction as well. And people clapped at the end, not something that happens too often. The same reason the First Order fleet in TLJ couldn't catch up with the fleeing Resistance ships? (whatever that reason is - something to do with microjumps or hyperspace lanes..) The Lamborghini then. Much more subtle. So Benny07 = Bender (1)? Anyway, three years later we are still enjoying your post :) I love reading these threads from years ago and seeing a post from just last week :) Anyway, you’re certainly correct about the miniatures. To add to your points, the other unfortunate decisions (or constraints) were the shallow focus and the use of water to add lakes in the city. There was no way you could make water look convincing. I don't have a huge problem with drinking water from the bathroom basin. After all, it's the same water that comes out of any other tap in the house. But Jennifer went into the bathroom empty-handed and came out holding a glass of water, which means she would have grabbed the same glass that David uses to brush his teeth. Now THAT'S weird behaviour. This is explained in a trivia item on IMDb: "Throughout the entire film, all German (even those in the operas) is translated to English. All Italian is left as Italian. This was done to help viewers better immerse themselves in the time that was Classical Era Austria." (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0086879/trivia?item=tr2567445) Der Hölle Rache is actually sung in English in the film. Here are the lyrics: Mine own daughter never more Then be thou mine own daughter never more Rejected be forever, forsaken be forever, so sundered be forever All the bonds of kin and blood Rejected, forsaken and so sundered All the bonds of kin and blood If not through this, Sarastro's life be taken Hark, hark, hark! Gods of Vengeance Hear thy mother's curse! There's also another thread about this: https://moviechat.org/tt0086879/Amadeus/58c741256b51e905f66e71a5/The-Magic-Flute But they didn't bring back his hair :) Sadly, that's not actually Action Comics #1. The cover of Action Comics #1 shows Superman lifting a car, whereas the comic in the movie has a rocket ship and doesn't seem to match any real cover (there's a gallery here: https://superman.fandom.com/wiki/Action_Comics/cover_gallery). The real Action Comics #1 also doesn't have a picture of the Daily Planet in any of its panels, though I agree the dissolve from the comic Daily Planet to the real one is indeed genius. (The page of ads shown in the on-screen comic book is in the real Action Comics #1 though, which is a nice touch.)