badwolf's Replies

you not liked any of the last 3 doctors what was wrong with 11 and 12? Yes I want more episodes, I enjoyed most of the series chibnell is not the best writer admittedly if you don't like the show what are you doing on a doctor who board? I am not American so could be wrong but what kind of gun shop keeps live rounds on the counter and then hands you the gun to see if you like the feel. Surely the rounds would be out of reach even in usa IMDB rating are irreverent hell even viewer rating don't matter that much to BBC it not like they have to please advertisers She seems like a new incarnation of the doctor as to who she is most like i haven't decided yet Well I didn't expect her to feel like the doctor but to me at least she does but does seem a bit less confidant than normal that said it is him Nothing I liked it Usually, except with 11 Matt had me from hello I am the Doctor.I have to admit though I was worried about the gender change but Jodie does seem to have pulled it off at least I am no longer worried about the change not sure how it doing to be in the past though The one in "Dalek" didn't turn into a super dalek it just was able to heal itself from the touch of a time traveler (i can't remember why but presemably it was due to a risiduel energy of some kind due to tardis travel.) The doctor knew better than to touch it, Rose did not. Once healed it was back it full power. and what makes you think it will be bad ? It starts again tomorrow btw Vaughn apparent survival really felt forced as though it wasn't supposed to happen that shooting was not survivable and season 5 never really felt right nadia was killed but we got her in slones head anyway. And making slone immortal but stuck in a cave really wtf Well wasn't he tried and found guilty of being the green arrow already then sentenced to probation (see probation on the way out) on what grounds can the retry him what happened to double jeopardy Well it was Rene's fault that the team fell apart he was testifying against oliver, forcing them to try to find out who it was. The newbies then left the team because they were spied on and then attack John though his hand and whine when original team respond. Even then Oliver warned Rene to stand down but Rene grabbed the axe. Might of at the time but not now, all the members have gone to other forums and it wouldn't be easy to get them back If there is a good story to tell and the cast are willing the question is not why but why not bring it back? I don't remember Bennie and Claire but in skye's case the fact that she could hack into shield (she have super secure computers) from a van down by the river was reason enough to give her a job. It been a while since I seen season 1 but I seem to remener she was not initially trusted. Well yes to a degree but I think the fact the handmaids are not even allowed there own name puts them at bottom of the pile so to speak it is however the case that everyone except maybe the commanders has freedom restricted Lol I thought when I read the actor Lucifer accused of burning a girl in an incinerator in the title that Tom Ellis had been accused of burning a girl in an incinerator thank heavens it was just a in show joke this post is referring to It certainly isn't one I would have expected but it is all over the news He slept on it early and it ate him in revenge