Salem2018's Replies

Careful -- you're asking a complex question on the Internet. Essentially, you've cast a hostility magnet for the huddled, idiot masses. The theatrical cut satisfied some squeamish studio executives. The film that matters is the director's cut. Whether or not Deckard is a replicant is up to the audience. That's the beauty of the director's cut -- it lets you think, as opposed to telling you what to think. The only people who see this as rape are people who have let the deranged, extreme left deaden their libidos. I wouldn't take too much pride in making assumptions about people you know absolutely nothing about. But that's just how I am and you're not, apparently. Dummy. I try to make peace and you decide to snack on more of your own shit. Kindly go fuck yourself. I don't know. I'm not sure who's arguing with whom on this board. "Snowflake" You fucking robot! It is a good idea to go #1 before #2. Helps the colon. I wasn't targeting young people in general. There are plenty of old farts who say insipid things like, "I ain't gonna watch a movie if it was shot in black and white..." I've also met many young people who love older films. Yes, the Dirty Harry board is what compelled me to finally write something. As expected, I've been accused of 'shaming' people for having 'different opinions.' When a culture at large has become this dumb, it's best to pop some popcorn and watch Rome burn... Excellent response. "You're a self-centered idiot" Ad hominem renders your entire comment void. Nice work. So now you're attacking the messenger? Another logical fallacy. I'm rooting for conservatives since liberals want me dead and buried. But you all are going to have to do better when it comes to arguing. I grew up in the 70s and 80s. My peers and I never judged older movies by comparing them to contemporary movies. We inherently understood technology and society were different and the movies reflected that. "Well you do have to admit that you probably don't watch a very wide selection of older movies." Excuse me? Where in the world would you get the tenacity to assume any such thing? Your entire comment is baseless and vapid. Indeed they are. Just start going through the boards on movies made before this morning. No it wasn't. It was a lame attempt at staking a place on the Victimhood Totem Pole. It made him or her look weak and stupid. Nice try. You need to come up with a better comment than that. Resorting to ad hominem lowers yourself to the level of the worst of your enemy (in this case, the neo-liberal 'SJW', who is incapable of crafting an intelligent argument and so resorts to non-stop name-calling). Did it zap your ability to craft a humorous comment? So, you expect others to be articulate (and not believe R_Kane isn't you with a different account name), and yet you still wallow in the logical fallacy of ad hominem ("link-boy," whatever the hell that means). You were challenged to form a coherent argument first. You don't get to put the burden on someone else until you've met the initial challenge.