Salem2018's Replies

Rather than attacking the messenger, why don't you attempt to craft one or two effective counterarguments? Guess not. This is satire, right? Can't imagine how clueless one would have to be to find this film ugly. LOL!!! Actually, the majority of the millennials I've met are nice, sane, normal people. They work and study and they don't have time to get offended over fictional characters and situations. Your dismissal of others as "child molester apologists" renders anything else you have to say intellectually suspect. You do know Woody Allen passed a lie detector test regarding this matter DECADES ago, yes? When did he adopt her? Rastie, NM Why should anyone make any effort? Just slap the label 'Star Wars' on any old crap and it will sell. Very true. SJWs are pretty much the opposite of liberal. How I wish that were true... Seriously. Christians are cutting off peoples' heads all the time in my neighborhood. It's starting to get annoying. I don't know, that sounds more like sloppy writing. SJWs are annoying and mentally-deranged, for sure, but I don't think their cult can be blamed for just plain lazy writing. For the sake of good entertainment and storytelling, let's hope so. Good point. This is true. And it's unproductive. Two outdated ideologies battling for supremacy on the Victimhood Totem Pole. OR: Without the ability to claim victim status, one might be forced to enjoy life. SJWs ARE the norm, they ARE the status quo. That's what makes "the resistance" so humorous -- Power fighting itself... Great response.