Salem2018's Replies

Dollars speak. If the masses could agree on one thing--refusing to watch dimestore half-assed faux liberal propaganda (which is only produced because the suits think it'll bring in more money)--maybe the market would demand they go back to more honest storytelling. Well, honestly, what's with the lack of a sense of humor? It looks very much like an unfinished film, no matter what the "official story" from Warner Bros. is. Interesting. You mean the pandering didn't work? Good question. In all seriousness, do you think Lucas was smoking weed when he came up with these names? Nice try, Sherlock. I just signed up, so save your half-assed suspicions. If you can't tell I was making a joke with all these posts, you might need to go back to school or something. Of course, if it's an IQ problem, you'll just have to live in your sour little bubble and you certainly have my sympathy. With Mary Poppins flying around the logo... PS -- It's clear you don't know what straw man means. No. No more presidents from La-La Land. Thank you. Are you off your f'ing meds? Holy Complete Lack of a Sense of Humor, Batman! Furries...LOL! Wow. Fake news! Fake news! No. The case is not closed. Dolemite's his name, and saying shit that ain't true's his game! I understand your frustration with contemporary cinema. This movie is not the culprit, however. It 's beautiful, philosophical, and it ends with a protagonist deciding to do something honorable, even though it means the destruction of his own "life." For an example of depravity in modern cinema, check out the latest Star Wars movie--it's soulless, intellectually vapid, and one of the most blatant pieces of propaganda I've ever seen.