JimR0719's Replies

N Armstrong was not Mr. Excitement. This was not Apollo 13, a riveting movie about, well Apollo 13. If you read about him, he was a low-key guy, an engineer and test pilot. He was boring. The movie was boring. Buzz Aldrin would have been a better choice for 1st man on the moon, 'cause even though he's eccentric, he's fun to watch. He punches people for saying the moon landing was faked. Now, there's your hero. Bad choice by crew leader Deke Slayton on that one. IMHO Emily Beecham reminded me of Nicole Kidman. I've never seen her in anything before. Then after she hacked her with the axe, she took a shower and went about her day like nothing happened (also leaving the screaming baby there all day). Seems to me she would have called the authorities. She made herself appear guilty by not doing so. Botched case by the prosecutor. the right does comedy and propaganda very well...just watch Fox Tabloid News or listen to any Republican person in Congress. They've reached herd stupidity. Intelligent comment. Thanks for showing up. Agree - Both of them we glaring omissions. I thought they lent some good comic relief to the series. She probably would have been fine if the loser daughter-in-law had burned up with the rest of the bodies she left behind. But, she got what she wanted. Yes, damn it Yeah, that was ridiculous. No way there were getting over the top of that hill. No one even suggested it. Maybe - I'd love to see that you being an idiot is most definitely verifiable. I hope it comes back for Season 4 - great show, however S3 was only 7 episodes, and I got a feeling of 'finality' to the series, so I don't know. https://tvseriesfinale.com/tv-show/get-shorty-cancelled-or-renewed-for-season-four-on-epix/ You're kind of a dick, aren't you Dexter and Rita were going to meet in the Keys for a weekend. Rita was on here way to the Keys then had to return to the house for something she had forgotten. That's probably when Trinity saw her and did his thing. Go to jail, Jerry! So it seems. I read that the other day. He is definitely not a singer. He has a high, squeaky voice. But a great movie, nonetheless. Yours is a typical response from a Trump supporter: 1 repeat what you already said in your previous comment. 2 resorting to name-calling 3 using the term 'Crooked Hillary' Don't you know when you use terms like Crooked Hillary that people assume you can't think for yourself, and you sound uneducated. My Advice - Stop watching Fox news. Read a book. You're fucking embarassing. Someone once said 'We get the government we deserve'. One thing the Trump administration has made painfully obvious is how ignorant and delusional most people in this country are. I avoid talking politics with Trump supporters because they have no idea what they're talking about-they simply repeat the lies that he spews out on an hourly basis. You are a prime example of why we are in the current situation. I say 'Make America Smart Again'.