faqbaby's Replies

Dude you are not even making sense anymore... i didnt know movies were only meant for Scorsese, Coppola and Ken. F**k the audience. Stop being pretentious and just enjoy the movies. The dark knight did not have any blood, gore, swear words and not even close to the avengers movies in terms of violence but its still a great movie meant for both children and adults and guess what? its still a mature movie. True... usually these fights are lame because you dont really know who`s magical beam or energy projection is more powerful. Strange vs thanos was very creative. Thats because we the viewers see things from the perspective of the heroes so we kinda sympathize with them but in the mcu they are still seen as dangerous. About they not suffering consequences, they were being haunted down until the snap happened and these same heroes saved the world so it will be extremely difficult to punish the same group of people you are going to need when something bad happens. Thor and hulk are physically powerful while wanda and strange are mystical beings... so it will be wrong to compare.. also physical beings are usually useless around magic... even superman will struggle around them... with that being said thor and hulk are much more durable and harder to kill than strange or wanda. tbh vision doesn't belong to them either since ultron created vision, if anything its strange wakanda let them have it but then again they had also lost their king so there was no one in charge but vision does not belong to stark. Have you seen superhero women in the comics? "He also did not really know how strong Thor was." but monica has been through the hex and survived. My point is if it had been someone like tony or cap they would be seen as heroes who make sacrifices. Didnt tony stupidly attack thor in avengers 1? Didnt he stupidly go to titan to fight thanos even though he knew he was no match for him, or is it only a problem when women do it?.. she has been in the hex before and gained control of herself when she was in there so she felt she could go in again. How about you finish watching it? After every episode people are quick to judge it until the next episode comes out. Its obvious something is manipulating her. "What he didn't anticipate was that Sonny would not only take the attack personally, but would also completely double down on the refusal and be willing to go to war with all of the other families over the matter." No Shit!!!, Not only did sollozo attempt to kill their leader but agreeing to any deal meant they were being bullied into it. 'never corner a rat!!!' Sollozo attempted to corner the most powerful family. Agreeing to any deal will be an indication of how weak the Corleones has become, not agreeing also meant more bloodshed.. either ways the Corleones were f**ked.. there was no way the Corleones were not going to take revenge. If they agreed to any deal then the so called power they had was just a facade. Thats because most of their movies have their stories extend to other movies, civil war was a prequel to infinity war and its story ended in endgame, people talk about the mcu as a whole and not just their individual movies the same way nobody talks about the individual movies in harry potter or the lotr but rather them as a whole except that at the end of the day disney still made more physical cash than wb.. if i sell something i bought for $1 for $100 that`s a ratio of 1:100 profit but that doesn`t mean i made more money than disney because i made more profit i think the right term to use is she erased herself from existence, she didnt technically kill herself since she wouldnt feel pain or even know if she died along with killing cage. its like time dilation,, if you travel near the speed of light 10 years would feel like 1 hour for you People misuse the term plot hole lately... you are failing to look at the bigger picture here, if the alpha is killed time is reset, if cage dies time is reset, Rita already knows that time has been reset a lot already and if cage dies even if she is not the one to kill him time will be reset again including her... she might as well take advantage of that and be willing to kill him herself for the sake of humanity... also if anything dying is a lot harder on cage who has to remember his death over and over than live through the same day over and over while those around him dont even know time is being reset One major problem is far too many shitty movies are being released and mcu movies are the only watchable ones. If the MCU were to end after endgame most movie theaters would struggle and there will be fewer quality movies to watch MCU characters are paper thin? lool.... they are one of the most well developed characters in any franchise that is why we love them so much. thats the point we've seen that so many times before and i'm not interested in seeing the same sh*t again.. this is a spiderman that exists in a world where there are other heroes unlike the old movies and tony stark a tech genius who is also a billionaire and one of the most powerful men in the world will definately have influence on most of his colleague superheroes. not only does he provide for spideraman he also creates stuffs for the other avengers as well and even built the avengers facility for them... its not realistic that peter a poor high school kid will be working with tony stark and still be poor... keep on complaining while i keep on enjoying these movies.. its your loss Well they made the skrulls the good guys so? i dont think they wanted us to think mysterio was a good guy Superhero names are just code names... these superheroes are friends too so it makes sense they will use their original names when referencing each other but outside of their group like the public their superhero names are used