MovieChat Forums > mcremp > Replies

mcremp's Replies

I think I sorta understand now your "It´s not OK but I really don´t care" position. Some people are "not worth caring about". Good for You. Answering your question, I try not make judgements about other´s people "morality" or "decency". If I have a chance to save someone who´s been abused, I´ll do it. If I have a chance to save two people, I will not stop to judge them and decide if they are "worth caring about". But that´s me. Being a rapist or a murderer is not about being "decent". It´s about being a criminal, as defined in law. If you think that´s ok if someone is raped or murdered - or, using your own words, "Why was I supposed to care about her death?", then you fail to understand some very basic things about how a society works. Even thinking it´s obvious and cliché, I´ll say this: Can you visualize a situation where YOU are a victim of rape or murder, and someone who could help just looks at you and say "Why should I care? You are not a decent person." I have a strong feeling that your answer would be something along "But that person would be wrong, because I am a decent person according to my standards, witch are the right standards". Key sentence from the comments above: "She doesn't reach the bare minimum that qualifies as a decent person." I assume the poster is the current CEO of the United Nations World Comitee for Selection and Certification of Decent People. Otherwise, just another case of a 21st-century boy incapable of understand that other people may not share his own personal beliefs and standards. To do a complete research, don´t forget to check posting history of the ones who complains about white actors; include those who judge if an actor is "black enough" for a role. People doing bad things in war is not exactly breaking news. War exists since the world exists. Wishing a war can be clean, fair, played by-the-book, is just naive, sorry. No need to try harder. Your use of personal accusations and bad manners make clear your lack of arguments and inability to accept other people´s opinions. What? It was Ms. Plum, in the library, with the rope. Sure, cigarettes generates heat, and heat melts snowflakes. Easy to call someone a bastard while enjoying what he worked hard to create. I suggest you stop using electricity and telephone, since Edison was such a bad person. And looks like Rockefeller was bad too, so stop using gas also. Or continue to be an hypocritical who thinks it´s entitled to judge other people from your high horse. If we stay locked on analising and judging every tiny bit of the means, we never reach the end. Also, people who judges other people´s "morality and ethics" often fail to perceive that their own morality and ethics are not an absolute standard. If you had such wisdom when you were five, i wonder how wise you must be now. People should make you Whole Earth´s Emperor, so you could guide us to knowledge and give us advice when we choose wrongly. My life was sad and empty. Then I discovered that carrot_handvo boycotts McDonalds and don´t drink soda, because they are evil and cause obesity. Now my heart is glad and cheerful, and there was much rejoicing. It would be funny to see a lawyer in a courtroom saying " clients´s rights are unquestionable. Thanks to a Hollywood movie, we all know exactly what happened..." Even the dumbest person of the universe would knew that he has no intention to honor the promise. And even then, they signed the deal. I can´t feel sorry for them. No one "knew" the future. It´s easy TODAY think that Kroc paid too little for a billionaire corporation, but AT THAT TIME, that was only a dream or a hope, not an assured truth. Money = evil So you had given away all your money, I presume ? So, next question: What´s more important: to have an idea or to turn it into reality ? If you think that freedom of speech should be used in a way that "does not offend" then you don´t understand freedom of speech at all. Like YXalr said, people can be offended by literally anything. Saying "freedom of speech cannot offend" means no freedom at all. "I can protest, boycott, and any other legal recourse to get things done my way." But you certainly does not accept other people do the same. Because "your way" is the only correct one, and other´s people "way" is obviously wrong. So you will protest and boycott until the world recognizes your wisdom. Or you can crawl back to your safe place and pretend the world is exactly how you want it to be.