MovieChat Forums > RAJH > Replies

RAJH's Replies

Just the characters who died in that end sequence. Any order. lol No, the point of the conversation is that you think there was no CGI in the original JP.....Which is incorrect. And now you trying to move the goal post and acting as if I was trying to argue that this new film is better than the original lol...Which we both know isn't true.. I'm not gonna lie to ya, buddy this thread is a pretty embarrassing read lol. Was being sarcastic lol Of course I have seen it, I just have a shitty memory....Plus, I was high when I watched it :p Very rarely, but they can be pretty decent sometimes. No, I just pretended like I had seen it for no reason at all...... Yes it was blurry lol I tried to watch the same copy and the picture and sound quality were absolutely awful....There is no way you can judge the film fairly from watching that copy. Watch it at the cinema....It's a good film. If you liked the last one there's no real reason why you shouldn't enjoy this one... I don't get you people lol I honestly cannot stand political correctness but this was just an action film lol....I didn't even notice anything. The film isn't trying to tell us how to think it is just trying to entertain us? Nah, Thanos is pretty tough......Whereas Antifa are a bunch of basement dwelling, morally confused children. Remind what that comment was? So now you are just denying reality lol. Are you a liberal by any chance? Seriously though.....There was CGI and I'm sorry but it is pretty damn obvious. A quick google search will confirm this, which someone already told you but it's quite clear you don't want to be proven wrong... You've embarrassed yourself, mate. Now be a man and admit you were wrong! Has it been a long time since you saw the original JP or something? lol Go and watch it again.....And get ready to blush. In my dreams? lol The brachiosaurus, mate....In the very first scene you see a dinosaur...CGI. Just like the gallimimus and also the stegasaurus in The Lost World....They were certainly not animatronic. Computer generated There is CGI in the original JP... It's an hilarious film. I had to rewind the part with the crab, it made me laugh that much. Will's face as he gradually starts to cry, knowing he is too high to move lol... " Hm. You think that's funny? I assume you're a pre-teen?" Don't be such a pretentious fool. I am guessing you are around 25, that is how old I was when I was under the impression we could judge other people's intelligence by the films they watch....Since your comment is 6 years old, I can only hope you have now grown up and realized how silly your comment was? I am over 30 and I thought this film was hilarious. LMAO what a pretentious twat you sound like Agreed with you, this film had be in hysterics in parts. The giant crab, the parts with the T Rex. It is just a really fun film all the way through and people need to lighten up. This film was hilarious whether you laughed or not. How about the part when they are all super high, laying on the sand when they notice in the distance a giant grab running towards them and because they are so high, instead of moving or reacting they just stair at it looking terrified....And then Will Ferrel gradually starts to cry....It was hilarious ;) Also the scenes with the T Rex were funny too. Try some weed when you next watch it and if you don't find it funny then you may be dead inside. Cheers. JP3 could have been a great film if they had added another 20 minutes or so to it. That ending was so abrupt and unsatisfying. But other that this, it had some really good scenes. " they had the same joke repeating again and again and again. " Can you give me an example of the jokes that they repeated over and over again?