MovieChat Forums > RAJH > Replies

RAJH's Replies

The first one is a classic, mate lol If people liked the previous films, then it is highly likely they will like this one. I just find it a little strange that you went to see the film when thought all thought all 4 of the sequels were bad and weren't even a big fan of the original.....And then complain about it to people n tell em not to watch it lol. If you aren't even a fan of the franchise then, why would expect this one to be any different? You didn't even like the first JP and yet you continue to watch the sequels and then advise others not to watch them? What kind of a moron are you? A "braindead idiot"? As opposed to an intelligent idiot? lol Pretentious fool. There is absolutely nothing unintelligent about enjoying CGI. Only morons judge other peoples intelligence based on the films they enjoy. Snap, buddy! JP1 (Obviously) The Lost World JW FK JW JP3