HarryShoulder's Replies

Or she has a higher responsibility to appear cordial than say some asshole harassing her. Not all politicians are crass, foul mouthed ignorami who brag about grabbing women by their pussies and calling people sons of bitches. Not only sexual harassment. He said racist shit about her being a “hot tamale”. This the type of behavior that employers tell you not to post on social media. This guy, if employed, should be fired for bringing negative attention to his company. My manager used to have me read his emails and explain what his boss was telling him what needed to be done. I think he was semi-illiterate. I was just making a valid point. I wasn’t questioning that people find symmetry attractive. “No body asked you to” It’s a message board fucktard. No one asked for your opinion either. Just because you want to simp for some right wing asshat drug addict and pretend what ever he says is gospel, doesn’t mean the rest of us are idiots. He’s just another silly drug addict who likes to hear himself talk. I think their trolling at this point cause I get the ads for DW+ that call him “the most intelligent man in the Western world”. Idk what’s going on with YouTube and Facebook algorithms but they should know between PragerU and DW+ ad money is being wasted on me. Could you imagine what kind of sheepish dork you’d have to be to signup for Ben Shapiro’s book club so he can give you homework on Huck Finn?! Not me but it doesn’t matter who. Who the fuck are you to say someone else’s opinion doesn’t count? Get your head out your ass. Some people find Kate Upton attractive, I don’t, but I’m not gonna say my opinion is any more valid than those who do find her attractive. You don’t really need to attack her for things her dumbass husband said. I already feel bad for her having married him. Asymmetry has it’s place in aesthetics and design as well. Cindy Crawford is considered her attractive and I don’t think I’ve ever heard someone say her mole makes her face asymmetrical, therefore unattractive. Kim Kardashian’s ass is not symmetrical with her body and she’s considered attractive. Men and women going back centuries have had different beauty standards. Lol conservatives don’t have intelligence to insult. People like Ben Shapiro feign intelligence and logic, but a lot of conservatism boils down to believing in fairy tales and a magic skyman. Forcing a woman to carry and deliver a dead fetus in her body is evil, forcing rape victims to give birth to their rapist’s child is evil. Removing a jizzed up egg in a woman’s body is not evil. Liberals didn’t try to extend anything, laws were already in place stopping abortions after 24 weeks except in the case to protect the health of the mother and fetal viability is not an option. Conservatives don’t care if delivering a child will kill women so they just repeatedly introduced local bills to slowly chip away at women’s reproductive rights. Nice way to walk back your position a little and admit that book banning is censorship, so you’re not a complete moron. Ted Cruz, Glenn Youngkin, and Ron DeSantis are pretty mainstream conservatives and trying to make it easier to outlaw certain books. One day you may realize how much of a horrific dumb fuck you are and regret it, until then everyone you know thinks you’re a shit stain that needs to be pissed off the inside of the toilet bowl. You must be pretty slow, what do you think the purpose of a boycott is? It’s to get something to shut down or stop also known as cancelled. Plenty of things aren’t in the constitution and frankly it’s stupid to let the ideas of slave holding elitists from over 200 years ago dictate life in this country in perpetuity. and banning books isn’t censorship? That’s the dumbest argument I’ve ever heard. Falsehoods aside about them only banning “crated grooming books”, the mental gymnastics you have to do to think banning a book isn’t a form of censorship is astounding. In reality, they’re trying to ban any book snowflake conservatives don’t like. They’re banning biographies on MLK, Rosa Parks, Duke Ellington, Neil DeGrass Tyson. Fictional books about mice where they are representative of Jews in the Holocaust or To Kill A Mockingbird. Denial and self delusion isnt a good look for anyone. There’s things called video cameras, fuckin dumbass. Yeah, that’s crap. Conservatives love cancelling things. Have you not heard conservative cheers for “go woke, go broke”, boycotts over Nike for supporting BLM, book banning in red states, Focus on The Family, or overturning a right that half of the population had for almost 50 years. Go back to washing in between your fat folds and masturbating to hentai like the troll loser you are. Says the guy with no data or proof to back anything up. Just childish name calling and regurgitated language and talking points… clear cut brainwashed cult member behavior. Facts are deflecting, sugar. K You’re deranged and facts don’t matter to you. The false equivalence of comparing a comedian and a camera crew making jokes in a hallway to hundreds of people breaking into a building and demanding that Pence and Pelosi be killed is asinine. I’m no longer going to argue with you, you’re incapable of objectivity, immune to facts, hyperbolic and devoid of reasoning. No it’s not, the Dow Jones, S&P 500 and NASDAQ are all still higher than December of 2020 and still higher than anytime Trump was in office. Border patrol recently had more arrests than ever. https://www.washingtonpost.com/national/border-arrests-record-levels-2021/2021/10/19/289dce64-3115-11ec-a880-a9d8c009a0b1_story.html Interest rates in the United States averaged 5.44 percent from 1971 until 2022, reaching an all time high of 20 percent in March of 1980 and a record low of 0.25 percent in December of 2008. They currently sit at 6% so they aren’t “through the roof” Crime has been falling for decades. https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/many-americans-are-convinced-crime-is-rising-in-the-u-s-theyre-wrong/ I can tell how woefully uninformed you are by saying Putin invaded Ukraine under his watch. Or that the stock market is higher than it ever was under Trump.