spraghetti's Replies

what's the name of the cancer caused by cannibalism? There's a good series built around a similar premise. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unwind_(novel) Because they can relate. The self-hate is strong. They have been brainwashed into believing their own culture and everything it stands for must be destroyed. Here's a reference to it closer to when it was released. I'm not sure how anyone can explain this away. I saw it when it came out. All anyone has ever said in reference to the film is "they" will come. https://youtu.be/9ArIs8R1aAo?t=176 There was a longer clip of this, but I don't see it. They'll never grow up. That's why they speak like little kids and want the government to take care of all their needs like a parent. Their intellect has been stunted by K-12+ and media infantilization. They watch the news and media not to know what's going on, but to be told what to think. Don't forget his contact is listed as "Pedo Peter" on Hunter's phone...or Ashley Biden's diary mentioning inappropriate showers with Joe. Except depression, anorexia, and schizophrenia aren't actively promoted, especially to little kids. meandering and unintelligible...ending with a look of pantshitting confusion? A census of New Orleans in 1850 showed that there were 1,142 BLACK slave-owners there at the time. "Well regulated" means "in good working order" in the context. https://constitution.org/1-Constitution/cons/wellregu.htm this is the real issue. don't try to make it sound more racist than it was. he didn't call them black people. he called them "roaches" of course it is. you are wasting your life on things that don't concern you. there's a whole world out there. if you're not a shill, just walk away. you'll be way better off. focus on making your own life better.