mav100000's Replies

I do love the shout-out in the trailers (at least) with the big 3, that's right, 3 halloween masks to choose from! Mister Andersonnnn! The soundtrack is up for pre-order! I'm going to wait a bit to see if I can get it on Amazon (I know I should support the smaller sites, but with my Prime, Amazon would guarantee delivery on the release date). Can't wait! Will listen to the disc a few times, then do a Carpenter marathon (I have most of his music)! I guess the most plausible thing would be to steal a car, or, better yet, he escapes while being transported. Ok, just checked the trailer and he DOES escape mid-transport. That makes some sense, but as for getting to Haddonfield, they may use the bathroom scene shown in the trailers (taken clearly from H20) to show him obtaining transport. I think it could work, but they need to do a good job with the escape! Good question. I hope they make it good, whatever they do! See I actually will sometimes get rid of ones I don't watch anymore, and still have a very large movie count. So, typically, I would get rid of those, but they are part of a single-disc 3-movie set, so I can't. Maybe one day I will actually watch them! I have several albums from each of these bands, including everything Perturbator, Dance with the Dead, and Carpenter Brut have done to date! Great stuff! I was just looking to post that Synthwave and DarkSynth are some great music genres (darksynth being an offshoot of synthwave) that inspire the soundtrack. In fact, a Perturbator song plays in the maze (when the two agents are killed). I can agree with that, but to date, I own every film in some format except for Resurrection. I will likely own this one too, unless it is completely unbearable! 85 more days till Halloween (as of this writing), Halloween, Halloween, 85 more days till Halloween, Silver Shamrock! I agree that it doesn't make sense, but I've always just accepted it, so it was never a big deal for me. Carpenter never liked it anyway, but I still wish they had kept Halloween 2 in the cannon. I have loved it for many years and my tradition is to watch both 1 and 2 every year on Halloween, ending my horror-thon with the pair of them. Not sure what I will do now that this one is supposed to get rid of part 2! Well I didn't end up watching the other two after all (earlier today), and based on MichiganJFrogg's review, I was right to once again skip them! They are the only two movies I believe I personally own (so not counting a couple my wife owns) that I've never actually watched. Well I didn't end up watching the other two after all (earlier today), and based on MichiganJFrogg's review, I was right to once again skip them! They are the only two movies I believe I personally own (so not counting a couple my wife owns) that I've never actually watched. A good observation, but then again, it is Halloween 6... I have owned all 3 for years in a single disc, but I have never actually watched 2 and 3. As I work from home, and am watching part 1 now as I work, I may just consider watching the trilogy for the first time! To a point, I agree, and I will see it, though not in theaters (I rarely go to to theaters). But still, it does annoy me. I get it, it is a fictional film, but they could TRY to make it plausible fiction by getting the other details right. It is the color of skin, but only for history's sake. I would be just as annoyed if AK-47s showed up in a WW2 film. It is also why I didn't like the first Captain America film (there were no laser guns in WW2). I understand that it is fiction, but I still prefer that they get all of the details correct that they can, as to me, it makes the fiction more believable, or at it makes it easier to suspend my disbelief. Honestly that bugs me too. I know it is being done to appease hollywood liberals these days, but it immediately struck me as just that. It isn't about racism, but about accuracy. If this took place after desegregation, I'd have no problem with it, but because it takes place during WW2, I don't buy it. I did look it up to see if there were any black paratrooper units, and there was one, but they never saw combat or left the US. I interpret the few scenes surrounding your question as follows: - Maximus is asked to take over as emperor, by the emperor himself, until a republic can be established. He is also told in this scene that commodus must not rule. - A few minutes later, the emperor informs commodus of his decision to pass the duties onto maximus. Now, note that maximus does not witness this. - Suddenly, the emperor is dead and commodus claims power as emperor. - Maximus clearly does not believe in the natural causes argument and immediately blames commodus for his father's death. Note that he states "the emperor has been slain!" Before this, in the same scene, he instructs his personal servant to wake senators gaius and falco. I believe that Maximus figured out exactly who killed the emperor and why (so commodus could take power without anyone else knowing of the emperor's decision). Commodus, not being stupid, is onto Maximus immediately and acts faster than Maximus can as everyone else believes that he is emperor now. Maximus's "betrayal" of commodus is merely his distain as he has already come to the conclusion that commodus killed his father for the power, a power which he should have (though he doesn't want) and which the emperor specifically instructed him to never let commodus obtain. The way I understand it from reading the book, Pearson was like that in the actual event as well, but afterwards, was nearly silent much of the time. Apparently it was the Ripped Fuel he was on whenever awake to stay alert. Made him more than a little hyper... 2 years late, but Baker transfers to some general's staff at the beginning of season 2 (mentioned quickly in a scene, but no idea why the actor left the series) and reappears in an episode in season 3. Pretty late to the party, a year later, but I just found this board. Doc is signed up for a year tour, just like the others. He can't just choose to go home. He would need orders.