mav100000's Replies

At least we don't have LL Cool J narrating his new novel and discussion of "round melon breasts." Nice sweater! Sorry, incorrect wording. You are correct, he was not, but A harbinger was. The director brought the essential role back, but not the same actor. We should have just left the role of the harbinger out of this entirely. The part 2 director was fine in padding the body count, but the part 3 director / writer should have left the eyeball-carrying harbinger out. Just don't shift slightly to the side! Actually it sounds to me like Laurie goes after him this time, and he simply starts killing at random until she seeks him out... but we'll see in under a month! What do you mean??? I do it all the time!!! Maybe, but think of the continuity in the series... there isn't any! He was a minor character. We really didn't need him. The mistake was in the director of part 3 for bringing him back, not for killing him in part 2 to pad body count. Naw, I think it was ok. The issue was the part 3 director wanted to keep him and instead created a new version for that film, but I don't fault the director of part 2. Guys, it is a F13 movie... I wouldn't get too caught up in the inconsistencies...! I loved this one, and it is possibly my favorite, but Crispin was excellent in it! The dance alone pays the price of admission!!! Never saw it, actually. But also do remember that Michael is non-communicative. "He hasn't spoken a word in 15 years..." I'm not so sure they could have rehabilitated him! Scary stuff, but again, even if you don't like RZ (and I get that, he is not for everyone and he missed the point on Halloween completely), he did attempt to explore psychology in his two Halloween films, which is why I made the connection. I would be outraged in the community if that happened to mine! But still, I'm sure that guy who was released was probably pretty damn persuasive to the docs before release! I can't tell how I feel about that! On the one hand, it is definitely interesting and innovative. But, I don't think it would fit the "evil" mold that Carpenter was trying to convey. Evil cannot be rehabilitated. Please don't be offended by this, but I feel like that would have fit RZ's version of the series pretty well. He tried to explore the psychology of Myers more, so I think that could have made for a very interesting take in that world more than the Carpenter world of Halloween. Yes, that's sorta what it looks like. Laurie will now play the Loomis character and be after Michael for revenge. Oh I do remember them well. I may have been quieter than many on that board, but I was there. And I'm not so confident that he isn't lurking around somewhere! Careful, he may come back! Don't say his name 3 times!!! Agreed. I always like references in movies anyway, so this helps. I still worry about ignoring the sequels though. Why is Michael notorious for killing 4 people? Seems a bit convenient, I guess... If even one of the sequels was used, the body count goes up much further and makes him more memorable, especially in the eyes of 2018! I know people are complaining about showing Michael too much, but I think the new trailer was awesome and can't wait for the film! Note that the woman in the trailer allegedly killed with the hammer was dressed as Ms. Elrod too, curlers and all! While I agree enough with this, here is my issue: why does anyone care about a killer who has 4 murders to his name (note in the trailer they say he killed 3 on halloween night, when he really killed 4, plus Judith, '78)? Eliminating Halloween 2 does have the problem of taking away some of his backstory in that he has fewer bodies to his name, so why would anyone then care about him enough to visit his mental institution (per the trailer)? I I just hope this is the last time. Not to say I want the character dead, but I wouldn't mind seeing the series either end or go in a new direction for another film. We need to end the original storyline at this point. I love the series and all, and I have high expectations for this one after the trailers, but we need to end this run. I'm happy to have one more go at this timeline, for sure, but we need to end it.