ILJtheFirst's Replies

You're so dumb. They're not bots, they're people. They're called Shills. No, I'm not one of them. How about you watch the trailer and form your own opinion ? I'll never understand either. Wow, lol. When you reach such heights , just stay single. I wonder who will be the lucky baby daddy ? Who knows ? It'll probably get awkward when she's in her 40s still singing about tween and teen issues. Don't watch reviews. They're all about likes and clicks. Nah it's a fun movie. Trashing movies is fun nowadays. If it's not Interstellar quality, it get trashed. Be more original. You couldn't be any lamer if you tried. Good one, lol. Are you sure Beloved is the right word ? Weren't all men neon green from sheer envy ? I feel the same way about Pet Semetary. 🙄🙄🙄 It's trending at the #1 movie spot. The hype isn't misplaced. He's excited because movies like this are few and far between. I'm excited as well and loved it just as much. If you like AI and/or mecha movies, this one's for you. It was extremely enjoyable, very well executed, and fully immersive experience. I didn't think it would be as good as it is. JLO was perfect for the role. It was hilarious watching her run. I just saw it yesterday. I'm definitely gonna re-watch soon. I would be very surprised if it doesn't become a "Most Liked" title. Is that the correct link ? Yep, agreed. She's on Stranger Things, no ? Alien Resurrection was pretty bad. Beetlejuice is pretty amazing. You would've thought her career would've been like Anna Kendrick, but no. You need to see it. It's probably the best star wars series next to The Mandelorian. Didn't they reveal that in SW Rebels ? The most powerful Sith Lord ? Was that ever revealed in the movies ? I was busy cringing at the forced romance between Wannabe Jedi and The Nose and Carrie Fisher's Dead Superman moment. I thought everybody missed it. I heard that nobody waited for After the Credits. Yes it was, it completely went over your head.