ILJtheFirst's Replies

I'm just trying to be helpful. Endorsement ? 🤔🤔🤔 I'm not walking over that trap door in the floor. 🤣🤣🤣 Yep. I have a whole bunch of power banks. I even have a car jump starter with a 37,000 mAh capacity. There's wall outlets out in nature ? Hmmm. 🤔🤔🤔 I finally figured it out. Kowalski, you act exactly like Tribore from Final Space (2016). Yes it's a compliment, he's hilarious. How can you access any of that without power or you've become disabled ? Phones only last about 1 day. I would recommend to keep a spare phone in case your phone is lost or stolen. Wallets will never be obsolete. In addition to cash, cards, and change, they are also used for other types of things. Membership cards, Blood type card, photos of family, etc. Leather wallets are the worst thing ever made. I have a Skinny Wallet and it's amazing. It even has a zippered pocket. There was nothing to freak out about and everybody over-reacting. Very few people died worldwide compared to the world population. All the people that died were the most delicate and sensitive individuals. Darwinism: Survival of the Fittest. Maybe to reign in As, but you can't reign in an A. They will always want to be top dog and take over. If they would have a class in school called How to get girls. There wouldn't be any Incels. It wouldn't be a thing or a word. Glad to hear it. I was referring to a different type of crying though. I just started it recently. It's excellent so far. I still wish to see M Night's vision of Avatar, but he never finished the movies. Just going by the name. I'm glad it became well known. Lots of word of mouth. Unfortunately, that will be back in the news. 😱😱😱 People were less crazy when Blockbuster was around, that intimate experience is gone. Also, AI is gonna completely destroy online dating. Which means everybody will return to the bars and clubs. 😜😜😜 Sorry to hear it. The movies are coming out throughout the year. I believe The Neverending Story will be shown in November. They survive by having other jobs, while acting on the side. The cartoon definitely didn't help. Um, do you even know what is Skynet ? Thus MeToo was born. Anybody who supports a Billionaire who doesn't give 2 shits about any of his constituents is a f-ing idiot.