MovieChat Forums > kaze > Replies

kaze's Replies

are all millennial's as clueless as modica? that's embarrassing! Trump is the polar opposite of a socialist. oh it makes sense now. You're a leftist. Leftists have no morals and have to lie about and virtue signal everything. Inglourious Bastards was Tarintino's worst film. lol No you won't . yes it was. liberals are immoral and unable to face the truth. is that what immoral leftists say when confronted with the truth? that's amazing. No. Trump is hated, because the liberals are evil and they serve the god of hatred Satan. that's why they destroy everything they touch (all blue states are hell on Earth), that's why they lie about everything and are unable to be truthful. That's why they only have hatred for Trump for being the best President in the past 50 years at least and benefiting America in countless ways, because hatred and lying is all they have to offer. Liberals are morally bankrupt. 100% liberals are evil . they hate Trump because he is a straight white man of power. hard to tell who's joking anymore with all the immoral leftists. you are so right funkychicken. white males are the most hated species on earth. they are lied about constantly by the liberals and the liberal owned media. Typical lying snowflake response to someone telling the truth : You're "racist"! wow so star wars has always been on the side of evil liars. its funny you have to lie about Trump and yet the KKK was founded by democrats. The democrats divide the races by lying to them. its amazing how leftists are only capable of lying. Also, never hold anger, that's where the forgiveness comes in, people who are in a fallen state are not themselves they are influenced by the spirit that controls them. All people who do wrong would do better if they could. People have to admit their wrong or else they will remain spiritually blind. There is nothing any person can do until that point. If you ever reach that point remember this : Forgive and love all people, love God with all your heart. Good luck ! No. Its actually amazing how people in a fallen state use their so called "intellectualism" to deceive others while their own lives are messed up. That's what is amazing. i don't have to prove anything to anyone. Its a blessing that i can live it and know truth from lies.