Jason46's Posts

"I'm not a racist but...." Why is child rape so common in Hollywood? I'm so glad I'm not a nurse. A gay Alaskan cruise. A textbook narcissist? Anyone here have a gold dental crown? What do they feel like? Is it a red flag if a company has a tendency or a history of hiring mainly a certain demographic? Why was the OJ Simpson trial so HUGE back in mid 90s? Why middle-aged white women so prone to complaining and causing scenes in stores/restaurants? I think we should implement a "no swearing" policy on here. Is it considered gay or "effeminate" for a man to join yoga classes? What is the requirement to be a brain surgeon? Do you have to be smart???? When an interviewee says they left a previous job due to "not being a good fit", is that a bad answer? Is it still rape if a drunk person has sex with another drunk person? I.e. college frat parties. Would you characterize Kurt Cobain as a "coward"? Post a picture of yourself I am NOT gay! What should be the punishment for child molesters/rapists?