Snoopy828's Replies

I was always under the impression that the grandfather hid the letters If it were baseball he'd receive a lifetime ban ala Pete Rose Check again. He had facelift and or botox right around the time of filming. Face clearly looks plastic Not that I recommend anyone rewatch Santa Clause 3. But if you do you can clearly see back in that movie that he has plastic surgery right when that movie came out Sure. You free this weekend "I think you bring up a good point. A lot of people seem to have expected everything to be clearly spelled out, and this is a good example." While I agree with your point about audiences needing things spelled out. I slightly disagree here. I only wanted a little more from these two characters by movies end because as much as I liked this movie, I feel all the meat and potatoes went to its two leads, everyone else got all the leftover scraps. We all know D'Onofrio can act but they kinda wasted him. Anthony Michael Hall and Mare Winningham yes. The rest weren't in the brat pack Unjust criticisms. The drinker literally will say he doesn't like something and then give a detailed three to four paragraph video essay with valid criticisms as to why the story doesn't make sense. You don't have to agree with his opinions, but you just sound like a butthurt fanboy According to the trivia Ford made 20 mil and Pitt 12 so 32 mil off the bat for your two leads. Reshoots right before release also cost money and if they filmed on location, it'd be more money, but I do agree this movie shouldn't have cost that much money I think the original plan was to "NOT" kill anyone Oh lord. Some people need everything spelled out to them. Not a plot hole guy I wanted that for the longest time. As a matter of face I thought Kirby should've been the killer for Scream 6. An unexpected twist and Hayden has the chops to pull it off. This guy looked like he was 30 and in no way looked like a believable high schooler Warrior by a landslide. Superior movie. Superior writing. Superior fight scenes. Superior performances I thought Tommy was the dick. I was totally rooting for Brendan And OJ was acquitted of murder. What's your point? A LOOOOOT of movies do alphabetically where have you been? Also, even if they hadn't gone alphabetically, I think top billing would've gone to Elijah Wood. Hartnett wouldn't have gotten it on his second film. It was more annoying in Halloween H20 I felt. But yes very annoying and very lazy I might add Alphabetical order. You reek of Snyder fanboy