sdwilson79's Replies

Add to that the angry, homophobic, sexist and - probably - racist old white man. The macho feminist woman (Bullock) who is a hero, while the chubby, average woman is seen as a coward and a loser. The black guy who is judged to be a danger or a villain at first before proving to be the hero only to be killed by white folk. Speaking of which, the virus or whatever it is seemingly makes some people randomly able to survive the infection and become acolytes. Yet the five (six, if you include Tom Holland) who appear on-screen as 'bad guys' are all white? It is so forced and basically just weak storytelling using cookie-cutter stereotypes to push across some political message. Movies are about escapism, I'd love to get back to just watching a good piece of entertainment - regardless of the gender, race or sexuality of the characters - without having such obvious signposting and virtue-signalling pulling you out of the picture. Everyone tore The Happening apart, not even the bad acting or the direction but the premise of nature making people kill themselves. Then this comes out and suddenly it is the greatest thing since sliced bread. It was an awful film, no better than The Happening.