BreakbeatSavant's Replies

lulz. You know I speak truth. That's why you can't refute my point. You sound like a quitter who gives up at the slightest hint of adversity. Maybe you weren't cut out to be an American given your poor attitude and approach to life. In the preamble to our Constitution there's a reference to a "more perfect union". You should look into it. Our forefathers made Constitutional levers available to us so we may evolve toward a more perfect union through civic activism and political engagement. That's what I've committed to do. You should toughen up your spine if you want to improve your lot in life. No, only if the winner of the electoral college loses the popular vote is the victor not a "truly democratic president". It's only happened 5 times in the history of the republic, but that includes two out of the last 5 presidential elections. Nah. He could have had it any time he wanted. He was far stronger as the true power behind the throne. Trump boinks his daughter. He's a pedo. Trump didn't take down the Clinton dynasty. Putin did. Trump is just his puppet. Weinstein wasn't a kiddie diddler, just a rapist. That's why I know Biden's not a diddler, because he's a Dem. Kiddie diddlers are exclusively republicans. Just look at Roy Moore, Denny Hastert, Mark Foley, and now Trump. [url][/url] Trump diddles Ivanka all the time. That's why she works in the White House. Trump boinks his daughter. He's a pedo. Trump was best pals with prosecuted pedo Jeffrey Esptein. Trump says Epstein is “a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side.” That's pedo talk. He's also talked many times about getting it on with his daughter. Trump's a pedo dude. pedo vs pedo is a wash. Ok. Well whatever alt-reality think tank you're sourcing your economic history from, it's clearly not working out when you get such basic historical facts wrong. You might want to try getting your history from someone other than Rush Limbaugh. Roosevelt did not take us off the gold standard, Nixon did. Look it up. I thought Trump was the pedo. 300k a year doesn't get you into the 1%. If you're going to accuse Obama of selling off US foreign policy to line his own pockets you need proof. Partying with Branson after leaving office is not proof of anything except that ex-US presidents get guest listed by billionaires to their parties. There's no proof Trump or Jared are lining their pockets by selling off US foreign policy either for that matter. I'm just speculating based on the odd favoritism given to Russia, Saudi Arabia, and UAE that one day proof will be forthcoming that they did personally benefit. And in no way can Trump be called "his own man" when he inherited his fortune from his father. What pushed Obama into the 1% in office came primarily from his book royalties in '08-'09. That was entirely above board and legitimate income. If Trump is cleaning up, I'd bet it's not at all above board or from book sales. The real question is whether and how he and Jared are selling off US foreign policy to line their pockets. Thank you. I respect you more for it too. I try to cherish it when it happens because it is pretty rare. Well, but as we learn the hard truth when we're little kids, life's not fair. Some are born with innate characteristics that makes life a whole lot easier for them than others. In this case it's physical beauty that lets those that are blessed with it leapfrog everyone else in spite of what you view should be an irreconcilable liability in this guy's criminal background. That you still haven't come to peace with this truth about life as a grown man I think must be symptomatic of poorly coped with painful life experiences that caused your level of emotional regression. I'm sympathetic to whatever you may have experienced to have personalized this elementary sense of inequity in the world. But I hope you recognize it's hardly healthy to obsess over, much less blame others for, when it's not something that you can have any hope to change. The high value society places on physical beauty was honed from hundreds of thousands of years of the evolution of our species. We all unconsciously place high intrinsic value on it because it's instinctual. lolz! I completely follow you 100% on that. :) I think if you're really honest with yourself you'd recognize it goes deeper than just a general sense of social injustice when you would deeply personalize compliments of this guy's looks like it was a slight against you. That's why I'm calling your mental health into question. If if was truly just about saying, hey, why are we praising this guy's looks without looking at his character, that would be a reasonable even if OT tangent. But instead you were attacking anyone who praised this guy's physical looks as if they had just personally attacked you. That's definitely not normal and certainly appears indicative of deeper mental health insecurities that goes beyond just mood swings. But I'm glad to see you're at least capable of recognizing how unreasonable you were acting and appear genuine in your desire to make amends.