BreakbeatSavant's Replies

Why is it either/or? I don't disagree that he's an asshat. But the theme of the episode appeared to be dissension in the ranks at Jon ceding his title to Dany, bringing to question the unity and loyalties of the northern bannermen under her rule. From Ser Davos explicitly warning Tyrion the Northmen are loyal to Jon Snow and not Dany ... to Lady Mormont literally ripping Jon a new asshole (to quite a bit of supportive heckling and cheers from the rest) that to put it plainly ... they were pissed. The point being it was strongly implied there was enough dissension in the ranks from other families that they might not have been far behind Glover's lead. He may not have been such a "special case". I'm not saying it will "go over easy", just pointing out the very real logistical challenges to Dany's loyalist Dothraki not having the option of packing up and going home unlike the Northern bannermen. Same goes for Unsullied, who strike me as far more loyalist to Dany's wishes should she defer to Jon than bannermen to Dany. But I don't see it being an either/or situation either because I honestly don't see her bending the knee to Jon. I see them jointly ruling as co-equal partners and rulers from marriage. It's hard for me to imagine it turning out any other way. Dany unwillingly subordinating herself to Jon being the rightful king just doesn't ring as a possible plot contrivance at this point with only 5 episodes left. IMO, there's just not the time to explore such divisive soap operatic elements before everyone must get on the same page to fight off the dead and thwart Cersei's scheming. My point on unifying is that regardless of the logic to unify, the theme of this first episode was the resistance to unify [i]in spite[/i] of the logic. fwiw, I enjoyed it. She won't have to give it up so much as share it with Jon. Nor is it just a "dusty old book". You didn't understand the significance of him riding the dragon prior to learning who he was? Dany will know Sam speaks truth about Jon because his Targ lineage is the only way to explain how he was able to tame and solo ride a dragon bareback. And why can't they marry? Targ rulers have a long and storied history of marrying within the family. Why would it be hard for Dany to accept when she's clearly in love with him? It's not like the Dothraki will hitch a ride across the Narrow Sea and go home because don't like the idea of uniting behind Jon. They're still subordinate to her and will respect her wishes. Whereas House Glover's decision to stay in Deepwood Motte because of their reluctance to unite behind Dany is a harbinger of how the northern bannermen could very well just decide to stay home. The situations aren't even remotely similar. It's only all moot if you find no redeeming value in organizing a united front to battle the dead because you think the humans are all fated to lose anyway. If you do believe organization, numbers, strategy, and cohesion can give them a chance to beat the dead then it absolutely does make a difference whether they meet them as a unified force in the field of battle instead of allowing the dead to march down and pick them off as they run for the hills. He'll have to in order to get all the North bannermen to unite behind them. They obviously weren't thrilled about him having bend the knee to a southerner and some were even refusing to report to Winterfell to fight for her. Well, because it was necessary now so Jon can rally and unite all the bannermen of the North behind him when they clearly were not crazy about going to battle for Daenerys. That's interesting. Apparently you're not aware age, wealth, and fame have a way of turning some people soft to where they lose their edge. GRRM is one of those slackers who apparently lost his drive to complete what he started after the show immortalized his place in popular culture. You can't argue with his track record of 9 years of false promises and inertia. "How do you explain that he's written numerous GOT-related books since his last installment?" Once again, I explain it as a failure to prioritize, blow past personal deadlines, and habitual procrastination doing other things while unable to get even one book completed during the entirety of the show's 9 year run proves he's lost his edge. And you obviously care or you wouldn't be arguing the point. The last 4 episodes will average 80 minutes. Fantasizing he'd have completed manuscripts in a vault if he died is you wishfully projecting. Denying it won't make it any less obvious that you do care. A failure to prioritize, blow past personal deadlines, and habitual procrastination doing other things while unable to get even one book completed during the entirety of the show's 9 year run proves he's lost his edge. You're just in too much denial to be able to confront this truth. Right wing propagandist who writes for the arch-conservative National Review responsible for spreading alt-reality ahistorical revisionism like how fascism is a product of liberalism. Not sure why anyone would cite Goldberg like he's a serious thinker. That's just you wishfully projecting, not fact. Your stated reasons for why he would not publish two books he had already finished just isn't compelling or remotely believable. I'm not. He's a slacker. I just watched that 60 minutes overtime interview he did with Anderson Cooper. He's just the type who was too content to sit on his fat ass and procrastinate. I love it. [url][/url] Nor is that the only thing he's ever said. He's got a history of letting slip his hots for his daughter. What non pedo does that? [url][/url] Time to face the brutal truth. Trump's a daughter diddler. “Is it wrong to be more sexually attracted to your own daughter than your wife?" Ivanka was 13 when he said that. How much more proof do you actually need? Why are you such a big defender of kiddie diddling? Only diddlers defend diddlers. I'm glad you finally see trump's a pedo. “Is it wrong to be more sexually attracted to your own daughter than your wife?” He's on record having said that. Who says shit like that? Hint: a pedo.