BreakbeatSavant's Replies

"I bet a lot of folks claim they can't breathe when they can breathe just fine" What would be the point of lying about not being able to breathe if they can breathe just fine? To get a thuggish cop's jackboot off their neck so they can try and run for it while handcuffed only to get their face bashed in? Seek help. Nazi boy pissed I nailed the reason for your unnatural love for paddy wagons eh? Figures. The uncertainty is over the fact that Trump is going to try and cheat like crazy. Of course you're going to engage in denial and coverup of the subversive activities of your far right cultist brethren. You religious Solomon goons are hilariously predictable ... and quite dumb. You nailed it. This guy truly does have serious anger and insecurity issues. Freud would say it has everything to do with his pent up sexual frustration he can't self actualize. I think I'd agree with Freud on this one. loool. pwnage. OP is a prejudicial tool. Yeah we know all about you nazis and your paddy wagons. [url][/url] [quote]DrZorders (174) 2 minutes ago I'm an angry gay fascist who likes to burn down cities.[/quote] Seek help. You're a propagandist. [quote]DrZorders (166) 2 minutes ago I am a gay suicidal Jehova's Witness afraid of Muslims.[/quote] HAHAHOEHAOHEOHAOEHOAEOHAE[b]HOHOHO[/b]HEHAEHOAHEOHAEOHAOEAEOHOE. <blockquote>DrZorders (167) 2 minutes ago I'm also a ho.</blockquote> Yeah we knew that. HAEHOAEHOHAEOHAOEHOAHEOAHEOAHEOAHOE. [quote]DrZorders (165) 2 minutes ago I am a sad inbred retard.[/quote] HAHAHOEHAOHEOHAOEHOAEOHAE[b]HOHOHO[/b]HEHAEHOAHEOHAEOHAOEAEOHOE. Wrong thread kiddo. That was the suggestion I made on your thread because he advocates strongly on a topic that's near and dear to your heart. But instead of taking my helpful tip you chose to cry about it. That's your loss. 😭 Sometimes the truth is insane. 😟 Your "Christian values" are causing you to lash out again. You should get those under control. 😘 WAHAHAHAHAH! So of course you have no logical response to your "free will" fallacy except to refer me to fallacious christian allegory that doesn't pass logical muster. lolol. I see how you are and I have to admit it's pretty vapid and exactly how I called you. You've never taken a logic class. You were such a putz trying to pretend like you had. 😢 [b]How do you justify belief in human equality? Your answer: RAA[/b]🤯 Then you should be familiar with why your weak theodicean rebuttal fails miserably on the lack of merit. Yet you're not. There are many evil "acts of God" in the form of natural disasters and disease that cause immeasurable suffering yet do not occur as a result of any moral failings. That means your appeal to "free will" is a farce since it provides no answer to an argument from evil that focuses upon such evils. You clearly have never thought this through outside of what you were told in your bible theology class. You are really sad. 😢 [quote]How can people support such a fool? [/quote] This really is a great question.