jgm4661's Replies

Not quite the way the exchange reads above but I don't want to deliberate on this. I wouldn't doubt it based on his last few clunkers. I am not going to even pay to see it. Will even wait until it hits Crave tv lol. He said it had zero plot and if you are familiar w QT's last efforts it is a legitimate pt. Must be legitimate too and hit a nerve as all you can do is attack the messenger. good luck either way. Wow. Some Tarantino mouskateers wont let any legitimate criticism of their eminence enter their little safe zones lol. He is entitled to an opinion. You don't need to write a term paper to say a movie is slow. Seems it really hits the nerves of the blind, terminally loyal Tarantino booster club members though. I haven't seen it but that sounds fair given the last 2 clunkers of his I tried to sit through. Mundane senseless dialogue, a big shoot out scene,more mundane dialogue etc etc It seems like he makes movies only to stroke his massive ego and indulgences and maybe for the usual mindless media talking head fanboys. Some people here also don't like to talk about the emperor's wardrobe lol "These reimagined biographies are sometimes called semi-biographical , to distinguish the relative historicity of the work from other biographical novels " https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biographical_novel It is still also a semi bio pic. Go hug your Tarantino wall poster. Nope. They were real characters. Spahn ranch and Cielo drive are real locations whether it suits your blind fluffer Tarantino love or not. You are wrong and being a fool. Yet this is getting 92% fresh on RT and much of the media talking heads are tripping over themselves to heap praise on this clunker. Sort of the equivalent of the king's court admiring the emperor's new clothes lol. Semi bio pic. Some of the facts (locations, dates, people) are real. If he didn't want any bios, why didn't he just make his crap movie w out any references to real people? Agree. You don't need a glossy review like OP seems to need when you can sum up his rubbish in 1 sentence. Brevity is the soul of wit. And his last few movies have been crap too. Was being complimentary actually. You can adore them all you like but their movie was more about Freddie Mercury and his story more vs how they made ground breaking strides in music. Creating stomp to arena rock songs was not like creating the White Album or PET Sounds. They were somewhat influential but keep it realistic. They are not in the same breath as originators as say James Brown, Aretha Franklin or Ray Charles who not only had to break through in music but also overcome a world of racial and social injustice. Queen are a good band but as far as influence goes you can't compare them to the greatest influences like Bob Dylan, the Beatles, Rolling Stones, Who, Neil Young , Elton John, much of Motown REM etc etc Micahel Moore should stop making movies. He is still wandering around blaming everything from the Flint water problems to the Democrats election loss to greedy capitalists. Just move to St Petersburgh already. Yes. In the 76 version I recall he had gone through rehab and seemed content w just being sober supporting the Ally character's career and and having his life in order. His death then was really portrayed as ironic. He went out on a sunny day and was just driving his car recklessly. Maybe symbolic of the tragedies that are typical in the the rock world. Here he was suicidal. The meeting w Allys' agent and knowing he wouldn't' be able to tour w her must have really affected him. It was really a story about the hated rivalry between Johnny Truelove and Jake Mazursky ( and their real life counterparts) . Truelove lived in a world of power, wealth and hedonism supplied by his business network of drug dealers he employed who could fall into debt due to their own use and carelessness. Jake Mazursky was one of them and a real life thug and when he fell behind it led to threats back and forth and vandalism. The pt was Truelove thought he could do anything in his position. The kidnapping showed this hubris and an incomprehension to the reality of consequences of their crimes . Another problem was these characters operated in such a party atmosphere as a rule making them further oblivious to any sense of reality. The partying may be common to this age group in this area, but the other behavior was specific to really 2 people in a drug exchange that went bad and spiraled out of control Was actually a pretty compelling story centered around Mercury and his related career and personal issues. I never saw much in their music before but after this movie saw much more. The concert scenes and the genesis of some of their biggest hits were exciting too. Obviously there are much more well renown artists whose stories would be more interesting where their influence on music was far more impactful. " Love and Mercy' , " Ray" and " Straight outta Compton" come to mind. But this wasn't so much a story about being a genre pioneer, ground breaking, overcoming injustice or making music history. In the end, "BR" seemed to wrap up nicely and resolve most of the issues Queen faced, was a tribute to Mercury , showed their legacy towards Aids charity and given the limited material to work with in their shortened career, would say it was a good effort here