FakeGoldChainz's Replies

It did! Agreed, Big Gay Love is great! Watching this right now with my sister lol. Could Terminateors time travel back far enough to when the Dinosaurs lived lol? The best one is Terminator 1 is the best film in the series. hE was a real good actor. It was the 80s. Was't Matt also a terminator? If he begins making a string of interesting movies in the next coming years it will be 5 great decades of Johnny Depp movies! This looks liek terrific fun. If you watch it in reverse it shows him getting himself back up on his feet and that, I think, is what we should be focusing on. Set phasers for FUN You are welcome. Critics agree, Top Gun is top fun! Rio Lobo (1970) is excellent. We haven't seen The Pearl (2001). Indy can't die because he drank from the cup of Jesus. That's why he didn't die from the nuclear explosion. I'm more into Family Circus The Lockhorns and Ziggy, it's easier to read a one panel comic. There wasn't really any comedy in the cartoon, the story lines were just really good. Good, I didn't like that scene. EARTH WAS THE FIRST PLANET THEY WERE ABLE TO VISIT AND THEY HAD NO CLUE WHAT WATER WAS SINCE THEY DID NOT NEED IT TO SURVIVE.