HushPuppy's Replies

If the mother had ever contracted measles, then there are antibodies in her breast milk that give the infant protection. If the mother never had measles because she got the vaccine instead, good luck. There is no herd immunity. Most adults do not get booster shots. Any protection they had as children wore off long ago. Anyone born before the 1980's probably never got the vaccine at all. It's kind of a fraudulent concept anyway. They say we need to vaccinate at least 95% of the population in order to activate it. Guess what? They used to say it was 70%. It was changed to 95% for political purposes, because the vaccination rate was in the low 90's and they wanted to use this to pressure us. Now it's an excuse for fear-mongering, because we're always just teetering around the threshold. If you think about what the concept actually means i.e. more people vaccinated means fewer circulating cases of measles, pretty basic, then there is no threshold and it's just a spectrum. There's another issue at play called "vaccine shedding". The measles vaccine can actually cause a person to shed the virus, meaning people around you can contract it. This is actually one of the reasons they allow for "medical exemptions" to taking a vaccine. If you live in the same household as someone with a compromised immune system, you aren't supposed to get vaccinated. Nobody tells you this. I noticed your video has comments disabled. Herd immunity has nothing to do with what the OP asked though, since it's about protecting people who have compromised immune systems. It doesn't address why people who are vaccinated are told to worry so much. If you're worried about paying other people's medical costs then you should be either against socialized medicine or in favor of all sorts of behavior regulations. Measles is itchy bumps for a week. It doesn't cost anything, not like AIDS or diabetes. Besides, punishing people with measles and punishing people who are unvaccinated are two different things. Most people who get measles are vaccinated. That explains why we don't really trust it. Casablanca. I thought corporations were only interested in money? [quote]Meanwhile, the cash revenue is flooding in to MSNBC and CNN. That's all that matters.[/quote] Were you not cheerleading this? Wow another bombshell. The walls are closing in. This could be the beginning of the end. You should make this a meme to increase awareness. She's back now. Have you heard of the Covington Catholic student? Joe Biden wants to make America moral again. Gee I wonder what effect decades of "exposure and assimilation" to mainstream media has. The black community hates Bernie Sanders. Looks like you do to or else you'd be condemning rather than praising them. You're bragging that Hillary/CNN got more corporate donations than Trump/Fox. Most people would be embarrassed about that. That doesn't answer his question at all. Who is Ben Schwartz? He doesn't even have his own page on this website. You sound like you're paid to promote the movie or something. All future movies will be made for a Chinese audience. You lose, ya cackling lunatic. How come classism isn't a reportable offense? Don't you think the moderators would have to be absolute morons to ban someone for saying the N word, but not for calling someone "trailer trash"? We can advocate war and bank bailouts, just don't dare talk about biological differences between men and women? The moderators know this, they're just really bad people. A Timeless Call by Steven Spielberg. Then you don't believe in rape. You can't discriminate who can have sex with whom. Why did you mention race, gender, etc... but not class? You left out the only one that really matters!