TheHungryHippo's Replies

It's not irrelevant, if he wasn't sure if his shotgun would pierce Batman's armor then it makes complete sense that he would get closer so that he could get a clean shot at the one place he knew was vulnerable: His face. I do not need a confirmation of the flaw from Rian Johnson, the guard clearly intentionally missed her, you however do need confirmation from Christopher Nolan because henchman #5 did not intentionally allow Batman to take him down. I'm guessing he programmed L3-37 to be a "pleasure model" That seems to be a common debate tactic these days, just call the other side racist and they'll shut up. The thing is to determine someone is racist you have quite the burden of proof, you have to determine that they don't like the character simply because of the skin color. Just disliking a performance that happens to be played by a black or female actor does not even come close to rising to the level of sexism/racism. Disliking a character that is black or female while not criticizing another character who was white or male also comes nowhere close to the level of racism/sexism. Prove to me he didn't know that his shotgun could penetrate his armor, it clearly looks like he's trying to aim for the face and considering how small of a target that is and the fact that he probably doesn't have that many shots you're going to want to make sure you have a clean shot and moving closer is the best way to do that. Until you prove that idea wrong you don't have a leg to stand on, I'll accept confirmation from Christopher Nolan as your evidence. You might want to get working on that. How do you know that he knew he would have been able to penetrate his body armor? Watch the scene again he was clearly trying to aim for the most vulnerable area which was his face. I almost think it would have been better IF Disney were going to make Star Wars movies to just set them in the same universe but not have them be continuations of the Lucas films, just have them tell their own stories and let them stand on their own because I swear all of the callbacks to previous films are really getting on my nerves, the fan service/nostalgia is out of control. OK fair enough, I don't accept that there were few black actors in ANH because of racism however I do accept that some people before 1980 did think that. I wasn't too offended by what they did to Han Solo, but the way they portrayed Luke was beyond bad, that is not Luke Skywalker, the Luke Skywalker I know saw some good in the second most evil man in the entire galaxy. He would not just kill his own nephew in his sleep because he looked at him wrong. As for Carrie Fisher, I hated her performance in TFA, it wasn't as bad in TLJ but then again we ended up with Flying Mary Poppins Space Leia. Out of the ones I've seen: 1) Apocalypse Now 2) Platoon 3) Saving Private Ryan 4) Full Metal Jacket 5) We Were Soldiers 6) Black Hawk Down Also I can't find any evidence that he was cast to appease people complaining that there were no black characters. (Note: I'm not denying that was the reason, I am stating that I have not seen any evidence for this). OK and I'm sure if Billy Dee Williams gave a poor performance I'm sure he would have received just as much criticism as John Boyega has for his poor portrayal of Finn. The thing is Billy Dee Williams can act circles around John Boyega. How Billy Dee Williams got the role, at this point I don't care, I loved the character of Lando Calrisian and he seems to be a fan favorite. Can you provide evidence of the complaints about Billy Dee Williams? Also simply not wanting him to be in the movie does not equate to racism, you also have to prove the complaints were because of his race. I personally would not want Chris Tucker to be in a Godfather movie, why? I don't like him as an actor, he seems to be a comedic actor and The Godfather isn't a comedy. Regardless of whether Francis Ford Coppola could make him a convincing actor in a Godfather film is irrelevant, my initial complaints were not due to his skin color, it was based on a prediction that he would not be an appropriate choice for that film. That's the reason I attack those characters, not because of their skin color/gender which is the entire purpose of this discussion. I don't need to have objective data to hold an opinion, I can think anything I want to be bad. It seems you aren't quite smart enough to understand what this discussion is about. I'm really not interested in discussing this with you until you first demonstrate that there was no logical reason for henchman #5 to act the way he did. Just asking why would he do that is not going to cut it. Sorry kid. That's just your subjective opinion, also Hayden Christiensen has nothing to do with this discussion, the discussion is whether people have a problem with the new characters because of gender and race, how those characters compare to the characters of the prequels is irrelevant. Just watch the scene again, the guards sword is on a collision course with her neck but then starts swinging upwards at the last second. Show me proof that he was directed to do that and give me an explanation from either the director or writer or producer that explains why he would do something so moronic. You also need to prove to me that random henchman #5 knew that his shotgun would penetrate Batman's suit. From the looks of how the scene was shot he was trying to aim for the face which is why he got closer. And I'm not counting your shotgun scenario to be a mistake until you demonstrate what I've asked you to. LOL yes I do and I'd like you to demonstrate to me with an actual simulation consistent with the layout of the set that it would be IMPOSSIBLE for even someone with the set of skills that Batman had to have dodged it. The first thing you might want to do is find an expert ninja and confirmation from Christopher Nolan that the ninja you found has the abilities consistent with the character he portrayed. I don't care about fight choreography, I care about plot holes and Rey should have died meaning the ending is impossible, that is a HUGE problem.