TheHungryHippo's Replies

Terminate with extreme prejudice. Yeah there's a line in there "if that's the way Kilgore fought the war I was beginning to wonder what they had against Kurtz?" What they had against Kurtz was that he wasn't hiding his brutal nature and wasn't buying into the bullsh!t that his actions should be glorified or respected. Because of that he was an embarrassment to the US military. I felt that both Kilgore and Kurtz were just like Barnes (all 3 of them pretty much did what they saw was necessary and didn't give a sh!t about the consequences) only Kilgore bought into the bullsh!t and the glamorization of what he was doing while Kurtz recognized that he was a monster (although at the same time he couldn't stop despite the fact that he hated what he had become), and figured if he's going to be a monster he'd might as well appear to be a monster. But yes to win the war you have to resort to brutal tactics because "it's judgment that defeats us" which may mean chopping off inoculated arms, helicopter raiding a village or shooting an innocent woman in the chest and then threatening a little girl. That had to be such a confusing situation they were in. Barnes was their comrade and he was the guy in the platoon who was going to keep all of them alive and get them through Nam, do they really stand up to him and tear him down over what he did to the Vietnamese even though they were innocent victims? With the situation they were in the moment you let your guard down is the moment then entire platoon gets blown to pieces. So glad I wasn't in Vietnam, I never could have figured all of this out. "I am reality" LOL, whenever I'm feeling overwhelmed at my job I sometimes say "Hell is the impossibility of reason,that's what this place feels like....Hell" Glad to see Platoon and Blade Runner on here, two of my favorite. He had a change in heart, he saw how strong Tod and Copper's bond was that Copper was actually willing to step in the way. I’ve got a lot of concerns about bond 25 but we’ll see Geez why does Coppola love that plantation scene so much, it adds little to nothing to the plot If I were to go to 50 these are some that would certainly be considered for the the list (9 would have to be cut): It happened one night Vertigo 2001 A space odyssey A clockwork orange Jaws ET: The Extra Terrestrial Taxi driver Rocky The shining Star Wars a new hope Blade runner 2049 Indiana Jones and the temple of doom Robocop Die hard Terminator 2 Silence of the lambs Goodfellas Heat LA confidential Boogie nights Gladiator The prestige The departed Batman begins Inception The wolf of Wall Street First blood Mask of zorro The Usual suspect Se7en Carrie Goldfinger Harry Potter and the deathly hallows part 2 Dog day afternoon It is criminally underrated because most people think it's just a dance film but it isn't. I think when they released the "PG-version" to try to appeal to a wider audience it kind of killed the film. Gotcha so you really aren't a fan of Roger Moore. This could have been one of the best Bond films in the franchise if: - Connery had come back AND - They had edited down that 30 minute segment where Bond is pretending to be Bray and his voice is being dubbed. I swear for that entire 30 minute segment the film just stalls and barely anything is happening, it is a chore to sit through. The second half though has some of the greatest Bond moments ever though (especially the attack on Piz Gloria, loved it). Reported again You haven't debunked anything, you are attempting to deflect to TDKR, my suggestion is take up that point in the appropriate venue. No for intentionally deviating from the original topic in order to troll the thread. Reported. I would suggest saving that discussion for the appropriate venue, the purpose of this thread is to discuss the lightsaber fights, please get back on topic and apologize to the OP for hijacking his thread. If you don't not follow board guidelines I will have to report you. Oh BTW this board is for discussing Star Wars: The Last Jedi. Please save your nitpicky bitchy complaints about TDKR for another venue. Thank you.