BigWorm's Replies

Come on, you know you did. We all did. That was without a shadow of doubt the worst xmen movie yet. Yes, worse than origins and the last stand. And that’s before we get to the plot, pacing, law phoning it in, Sansas horribly distracting American accent, coupled with her wooden one dimensional acting. That is the one good thing about the end of thrones. Sansa can stop being a thing now. It had some nice action scenes, but that was really it. Wum Yes. First, nobody likes ‘dude’. It’s icky. :) Second, you’re absolutely right. There’s no actual attempts at conversation or information sharing. It’s just trolling for the sake of starting an argument and calling people names; or worse the autofellating backslapping sessions that should come with a choking hazard warning. It’s very reminiscent of 80s teen movies where the bully says something he thinks is witty, and is then followed up by a chorus of half hearted sniggers and a collective ‘yeah.’ from his utterly forgettable entourage. There’s actually nothing in this section of the forum at all that’s worth unpacking. It’s all just fallacy laden troll bait. Even if they did manage to stumble on to a topic of worth they’d ruin it by their incessant need to punctuate every other sentence with an over used cliched put down of their supposed oppressors. One has to wonder about how hands on the moderation team is here that they allow such an abundance of low quality posts. I suspect most new users like myself come here looking to talk about movies, see Donald trumps face repeatedly being the most talked about thing and click on it to see what’s going on. More than a few sighing ‘nope’ as they click the big X in the corner of the tab. I’m all for conversation with people I don’t agree with, it makes for fun conversation. The desperate approval seeking nature of threads like this one, I can do with out. Things like this are the problem with this current competitive arguing. Too busy trying to one up the “libs” that you start spreading false news. And then the sycophants eat it up and repeat it until it becomes a fake truth that they’ll argue until their keyboards are reduced to smoke and ash. Do better. Which is weird. I’ve not been here long, but from my limited experience it seems they don’t often pass up the opportunity to call some one a “lib” something or other. You must be scary to them lol. Something tells me the echo chamber isn’t going to like this. No, but your opening post does. A good rule of thumb for wanting serious answers to a question, is not loading said question so much it becomes obvious you just want an argument. Yikes! Who knows. That series of movies is so disjointed it’s hard to know what’s what. Seems continuity took a back seat to story. Try again. The topic: why does not being attracted to trans persons make it ok to speak about them in a negative or derogative way? Whataboutism and deflection won’t get you anywhere in this conversation. The question is simple. Answer it, or move on. Still more than it deserves. Much better. I get more of late 70s vibe from it though than mid 80s. General discussion. Talk about anything here. Don’t like it? Don’t click on it. But you know this already. I touched myself reading this. Brilliant post. sigh, how tedious. A bigot is someone that is intolerant of others for no rational reason. The facts don’t support your world view, but you persist in them anyway. Tell me, does ignorant fit you better? But let’s take a look at what you wrote, see if we can’t get the old cobwebs blown away. DNA. Your assertion is that dna should be telling these people who they should be, and that they are choosing not to be that, correct? Dna when you dumb it all the way down is nothing more than a series of on/off switches. So why is so hard to believe that sometimes switches that should be off, are on? Dna errors happen all the time. I don’t see people spitting venom at six fingers or toes. You’re assertion is that it’s a choice. So let’s say that’s true. So what? Does it harm you in some way that you must seek out arguments like you have done here? Making sweeping generalisations of political stance as though it some how gave you the right to call me names because you disagree? Perhaps, if you feel you get called names a lot, it’s because you invite it by doing the same. See, here’s the difference between you(a bigot) and me. I don’t care enough about you to demand that you are seen as less than everyone else. I don’t dont try to shut you up, I think the opposing voices should be heard. I don’t think I’m right on all things and I’m happy to be proven wrong. You think because people don’t conform to your world view that they are wrong, or bad. You don’t conform to my world view, yet I don’t have any issues with you existing in the world. Do you see the difference, or are you just looking for an argument so you can call a stranger on the internet names some more? You’re answers aren’t answers to anything I’ve asked you. You made a derogatory statement. You haven’t touched it, instead making odd jokes about my sexual interests. It’s my experience that those that hide from questions are the ones under the spell of fear. You would you like to take one last attempt to clarify your statement or are you content to be seen as a bigot?