BigWorm's Replies

A change I might have made to the ending. arya and the hound spilt up just as in the show. Cersei stumbles past the hound and finds herself under the keep with the walls coming down. Then Jamie appears, they embrace, she bleats on about loving him and sorry for everything. They hear voices and fighting and run down the path Tyrion had laid out. He leads her out past the rubble and the dead. Greyjoy is still on the beach, dead with a smile on his face. They get into the dingy and they both row away taking a side each. They row past the burning fleet. They take a break from rowing, Cersei moving into the Jamie’s arms leaning against his chest as they both look on the destruction of kings landing from a distance. Cersei begins to talk about the future. A second chance with their new baby. About getting revenge. She lays it all out in great sadistic detail with a far away look in her eye. Her eyes go wide as she feels the blade glide across her throat. She gurgles and spurts blood as she turns her head to look at Jamie. Her expression asks why, jamie tells her. “For my brother, for my mother, and for my father, Ned Stark.” And then plunges the dagger into Cersei’s heart. My reasons are I haven’t seen anything from Arya that says she would just give up her quest. Especially not after one very short conversation. Maybe if they had fleshed out Arya and the hounds journey south were he had been planting seeds of doubt the whole way, but that would have required more episodes. I don’t really have a problem with how it ended, it’s that it was so poorly executed that’s the issue. HBO should have just told D&D to take a walk finished the show with as many episodes as was require to get it right. After seeing the effort the production staff put in, it’s truly awful that D&D forced the ending the way they did. I think I remember he said he got type cast as the bad boy, so never really got a chance to do anything else. But yeah, a real shame as he is a standout on the show. well, the world health organisation disagrees with you. Might be something to consider, your opinion vs research and informed observational conclusions. But it’s good you agree that we shouldn’t speak of people in a derogatory way just because they are different or not attractive to us, as that was my original point. The other poster has seemed to deflect to make it about something else. Regardless of what people believe, we should give people basic human respect and not use them as the but of poor jokes. And still making it about me. Try again. Speaking for people you don’t know, is a bold claim. It’s also not the point. Does not being attractive to most men make it ok to speak of trans persons in a negative way? To claim you know what “most men” are into is in fact a bold statement. And again, one that is neither here nor there. Your implication was that being trans was in some way wrong, or bad. So by your follow up posts you have once again reiterated that it is your belief that not being attractive to men is somehow wrong or bad. Worthy of mockery, as you have demonstrated. Perhaps you have an answer that doesn’t involve me? Or a sweeping blanket statement that you have no facts to back up? so if “most men”(a bold claim from someone who doesn’t know “most men”) aren’t attracted to to something, it’s bad or wrong? What an odd way to look at the world. Ah, ok. I misunderstood the reason for bringing her up. And yes, she does look like her. Especially now that they have bought the same lips. Vague plot. Vague character motivations. Flip floppy character alignment. These things and more are important in a movie. I looked her up. Did she used to be hot and has now ruined herself with Botox and fillers or is google showing me two different people? Anyway, Botox and fillers aren’t “hot”. What’s wrong with transsexuals? Had to sign up just to say, strongly disagree. It had a few nice scenes and the acting(for the most part) was as good as always. Sansa was her usual monotonous drone sucking all the life out of every scene. She didn’t ruin the movie, the horrible story did that. How the guy that screwed it up got a second chance is a mystery.